chapter 14

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I sit in the movie theater seat while Jesse is giving a lecture on tonight.

Maybe I'd be able to pay more attention if he didn't have such a rat voice.

I give Erica a bored expression and she returns a look that says, "I know."

"This is so boring. When can I get some Dusker blood? I'm starving." She whines to Jesse.

"Patience, hmm?" He says a bit harshly. "Souls first, blood later."

Nope. Revenge first, blood later.

"Our two hundred and nineteen guests are here, and their souls are ours for the taking." He continues and I roll my eyes.

He narrows his eyes at me.

"You know what to do!" He snaps, motioning his arms with exasperation.

All the other vampires jump up, but I have no trouble taking my time.

I'm not Jesse's servant.

It's only me and Erica who stick around him.

"Hayley!" He says, with a smile. "I take it you understand your special instructions."

"Yep!" I say, popping the P, and starting to walk away.

He grabs my shoulder.

"One more thing..." He says.

I turn back around, a little annoyed.

"I'm trusting you understand what will happen to you, if by any chance, you do a last minute side switch?" He asks, that eerie smile still plastered across his face.

"Yeah?" I say

"Good." He chuckles, letting go of my shoulder. "Just making sure."

I sit on the stage, with my feet dangling over the edge, as nerdy Duskers start filling in the theater. I gaze around, a bit hungrily, as they make their way in.

My throat develops a slight tingle. I take that as a cue to go stand with the other vampires on the stage and take my place next to Erica.

Suddenly, the lights are turned off, except for one remaining spotlight on Erica and me.

"Welcome!" Erica says, and all the girls applause.

"To the the special screening of Dusk III: Unbitten." She finishes.

A couple girls scream from the audience.

We start the raffle. After I reach and pull out a ticket, I go to the microphone.

"And we have a winner!" I say, with false brightness. "Ticket number 205?"

I hear a pathetic Dusker gush about it being her, and she approaches the stage.

"What do I win?" She asks Jesse excitedly.

I try to hide a wince, knowing her fate.

"You win what every Dusker wants..." Jesse says, grabbing her arms.

"This." He bites her neck, earning a couple gasps from the audience.

I look past the audience and see Ethan, staring in shock.

I want to be mad, I really do, but I can't.

"You need to go." I mouth to him.

He just shakes his head.

"I don't want to hurt you." I continue.

WILD ➳ Benny Weir [1]Where stories live. Discover now