chapter 16

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Our eyes are wide as we look at each other in shock. Finally, I break it.

"Did... You see-" I stutter in confusion.

"Yeah..." Benny answers, his face twisted in thought.

"I can't." I say quickly, backing away.

"I'm a monster. That's what I am."

"No..." He says. "It doesn't matter what you are."

His hands take my elbows gently.

"I'm dangerous!" I hiss, ripping myself out of his hands.

"I'm sorry, Benny." I say in barely a whisper.

My eyes grow to where they feel like they're boiling as I say the words that hurt me so much.

"You can't remember."

As I'm used to, I watch his eyes glaze over with red and roll to the back of his head. When they come back, a wide grin is already on his face, as if none of that had ever happened.

I can only hope it stays this time.

"Ethan's gonna be happy to see you're with us." He says.

"Yeah, already cleared that with him." I say, forcing a smile.

I need to do something about this. But I can't leave them now.

His expression suddenly changes as if he had forgotten something.

"Plan B!" He says, realization hitting him. "You should probably go out and wait until we come out."

I cross my arms and scowl.

"You just saw what I can do! I'm pretty sure I'll be-" I start to rant.

He puts one finger to my mouth.

"Holy water is in the sprinklers." He cuts me off.

"You know, second thought, that sounds like a really good idea, it's pretty nice out tonight. I think I'll, uh, do that..." I say.

I start to walk away until I realize I'm forgetting something.

"Rory!" I exclaim, turning around.

"Don't worry, E's got him."

I nod in relief, then turn around to go. I'd rather not burn and melt.

"My grandmas car is out there." He adds as I walk out.

"Don't die, Weir." I call, not even turning around.

Once I get outside, I realize that this is my chance. I quickly look around to see that there are no wandering eyes in the eerily quiet parking lot, then find a car mirror.

I look at myself, mentally screaming at myself for what I just did.

It seemed like it was some sort of fate since I was little. I don't know what to do anymore.

WILD ➳ Benny Weir [1]Where stories live. Discover now