chapter 3

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"It must be pretty embarrassing needing a babysitter in high school." Jane remarks as she sticks a sticker to a colored page.

I sigh and bite my tongue. She can be annoying too sometimes.

"Howdy, partners!" My mother says, walking into the room in a revolting western outfit.

We all look up. Seeing Ethan's distracted, I lean over to see his paper and copy the math equations he's already scribbled down.

"Ain't she purdy as a 20 dollar bill in a 10 gallon hat?" My dad says.

I roll my eyes. Are all parents like this?

"We're going country line dancing!" Mom says excitedly as dad dips her.

"Yeah, I kind of noticed." Ethan says.

I look up and he nods at me.

"Uh, mom, dad? I just wanted to say, you were right." He starts.

"Yeah, we shouldn't have left Jane unattended last week." I add in convincingly.

We practiced this for like an hour, it better work.

"We learned our lesson.-" He continues.

"And you can cancel the sitter and save 25 dollars." I finish quickly.

I look in to dad's eyes with a pleading look. I mentally smile. He looks like he's about to give in.

"Guys. I already told you I'm not leaving you alone with Jane until I know you can be trusted." Mom says.

I look at dad again, but he's already snapped out of it.

"Sorry kids. She's the sheriff." He says with a shrug after she walks away.

He starts dancing away as I sigh again. Ethan looks at me. Plan B.

"Fine!" He says loudly. "I'll be in my room. Alone."

"Me too!" I add loudly, as I grab my stuff and run up the stairs, Ethan not far behind.

"It's not working!" I whisper.
"Shhh! It will, just shut up!" He hisses back.

We both slam the doors to our rooms.

Some time passes by.

Is Erica not here yet? I pull out my phone to text her.

Me: are you coming?

I walk around my room, bored. Finally my phone vibrates.

Erica: about that... i kinda have other plans

I raise my eyebrows, surprised.

Me: thank god. maybe this will give my parents a little dose of common sense

Erica: why aren't you here yet? like EVERYONE is here

Me: I would but I'm groundedddddddddd

Erica: since when have you cared about rules?

I smile. I guess that's true.

Me: I'll be there as soon as possible

I call Robbie, telling him I needed a little help.

I listen to what's going on downstairs and hear talking and mom shouting goodbye. I don't answer.

I knew they would change their minds.

About 20 minutes later, I hear someone whispering my name from outside. I run to the window and look down, beaming.

"Well hey, Hale." Robbie says, grinning. "Climb down."

"One sec." I say, running to lock my door and coming back.

I look at the ground way below me with a deep breath and climb down slowly and carefully on the grooves in the house. I feel a rush as my boots touch the wet grass.

I felt invincible. Alive.

He grabs my hand and he pulls me away into the dark.

i know what ur thinking. ew i dont wanna touch this shitpaste-eaters hand. im sorry it hurts just writing it BECAUSE BENNY!

WILD ➳ Benny Weir [1]Where stories live. Discover now