chapter 5

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Robbie's hand in mine, I walk into the party with my head held high and a smirk on my face.

Within a couple seconds, I see Rory sitting on the couch.

"Rory!" I yell over the music. I wave excitedly and start to walk towards him.

He looks up and a smile grows on his face.

"Hales! Wazzuuuuup?" He says.
Suddenly Robbie starts pulling me away.


"You don't wanna mix with those geeks, promise me." He says raising his eyebrows.

That almost sends me off. I really don't like when people try to tell me what they think is good for me. And Rory's my friend.

"Hayyy!" A voice calls, distracting me.

Turing around, I see Erica walking with Gord.

"Finally! You took foreverrr." She laughs.

"You try sneaking out your second story window."

Someone hands me a drink, and I look at it realizing it's just soda.

It's a little strange that at a senior party they're serving soda, no alcohol. Maybe it's not so much like the movies.

Robbie keeps his arm uncomfortably around me the whole time, but otherwise I'm really enjoying myself. The only thing is I start to feel a little tired and have a hard time keeping up with what everyone's saying.

I take another sip of my drink and happily wave to Sarah as she makes her way between us.

My smile starts to fade as I see the serious expression on her face.

"Well look who finally decided to show up!" Gord says, arm around Erica. "Guess Wes talked some sense into you."

"Oh yeah, we had a real heart to heart." Sarah says. "Actually, uh, I need to talk to Erica and Hayley... Alone."

"So... Now you have time for me?" Erica says, annoyed.

I give Sarah a confused look and she sends an "I will explain" one in return.

"No, be my guest." Robbie says.

"We'll go find Jesse, he'll uh, really wanna know you're here." Gord says with a slight smirk that makes me feel uneasy.

As they walk away, Sarah faces us with a worried glance.

"Come on! You're not safe here! We have to go, now." She says, grabbing our arms and pulling.

"You sound like my mom." I say slowly, raising an eyebrow. "What's this about?"

"Don't worry, party pooper!" Erica says, rolling her eyes. "It's not like I'm gonna give in to peer pressure."

"No ones even drinking here anyway." I add.

Sarah mutters something I can't hear. She then tries to argue with us some more, but we refuse to leave.

She starts to tell us the weirdest thing I've ever heard in a while, her words desperate and urgent. She tells us she's a vampire. A "fledgling" to be exact.

I clutch my head, feeling a little dizzy and overwhelmed as Erica gives her  look.

"You really expect me to believe that?" She demands.

WILD ➳ Benny Weir [1]Where stories live. Discover now