chapter 15

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"I don't wanna be the Joker!" A messy haired boy whines.

"It's my house, so I'm Batman, Benny!" another argues.

Benny mumbles something about "not being fair".

"You can be Robin?" The boy suggests.

"No!" Benny says, shaking his head and pouting. "I'm not your dumb sidekick!"

"Ethan! Ethan! I'll be Robin!" A small boy with spikey blonde hair sticking out every which way yells.

He jumps up and down excitedly.

"Fine. You're the Joker, Benny." Ethan states.

This causes Benny to cross his arms and scowl.

"Hayley!" Ethan calls up the stairs. "You're gonna be the girl we have to save!"

There's a series of thumps and creaks as the girl bounds down the stairs.

"Nuh uh!" She yells.

She walks down the hall towards the boys, dragging a wooden bat behind her, unfazed by the scraping its making on the floor.

"I'm gonna be Harley Quinn." She squeals proudly.

Benny's eyes widen and a grin grows on his face.

"I wanna be the Joker now!" He blurts.

Ethan gives him a look.

"Fine." He sighs. "I'm Batman and Rory's Robin and were gonna be against you guys."

"And whoever wins..." Hayley says dramatically and pauses, "Gets the rest of my sour gummy worms!"

She has a wide smile on her face, displaying the big gap where her two front teeth should be.

She pulls out a little neon bag out of her overall pocket and waves it around excitedly. The boys lock their eyes on it hungrily as she tucks it away back in her pocket.

"Come on, Benny!" She says, grabbing his arm and pulling him up the stairs, her choppy hair bouncing behind her.

Ethan and Rory flee to somewhere in the living room, whispering excitedly.

She slams the door and sits cross legged on the floor and he follows her lead.

"We need a plan, Mistah J!" She says, imitating her character.

"We should rob the bank just downtown, and get alllll the money we want!" He replies, grinning. "And the fancy stores next to it, so I'll steal you the biggest diamond ring."

"You're the best, puddin'!" She says happily, and takes his hand.

She creeps out of the room with Benny in one hand, her bat in the other.
The hallway is empty and quiet... Way too quiet.

"Go! Go!" She whispers urgently.

They dash down the stairs in a fit of giggles and look around.

"The bank is right down there. And the fancy store." Benny (or the Joker) breathes, pointing to the kitchen.

"Let's go get that ring." Hayley whispers back.

They creep into the kitchen, cautiously looking around, seeing the coast is clear.

"You keep watch." Benny orders and starts opening the fridge carefully.

She nods and stands outside the kitchen, eyes peeled for anyone trying to foil their plans.

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