chapter 12.5

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This is super short and I'm calling it 12.5.

****Ethan's POV****

Me, Sarah, and Benny walk home from school, discussing a plan.

"Well we're gonna need a lot of holy water-" I say, then turn to my right.

I realize Benny hasn't said a word the whole time, gazing off into a smiley gaze.

"Um, Earth to Benny!" Sarah says, a little impatiently.

He shakes his head quickly and looks at us.


"What's with you?" I ask.

That daydreamy smile returns.

"Dude! Are you under one of Hayley's haze-y things!?" I ask, alarmed.

He chuckles a little.

"I guess you could say that."

I sigh in annoyance and Sarah rolls her eyes.

"She's dating that drama trash." I say.

"Yeah, and she's a vampire, slash God knows what, running around with Jesse!" Sarah says, glaring at him.

"She despises that guy." He says, looking up at us.

"What?" I say.

"And," he says with a smirk, "Why would a girl kiss, me, Benny Weir, if she doesn't like me?" He finishes proudly.

There's a bit of a silence.

Me and Sarah burst into laughter.

"What??" Benny defends.

"Ok, how much aftershave did you drink?" I say, amused.

Sarah stifles a laugh.

That knocks the smile right off his face.

No offense to Benny or anything, but Hayley... And him? The crush has gotten way into his head. We've been friends for basically ever, he's like a second brother to her.

"No! I'm not kidding! It happened when she told me everything." He sighs and his smile grows, as if he's replaying the moment in his head.

What exactly did she tell him?

Sarah snaps her fingers in front of his face, breaking his daze.

"Anyway, it was when she came over. After some party. So she slept with me-"

"You what?" Sarah snaps, grabbing his arm.

"When was this?" I demand. "Gross!"

"No! No, not like that." He says quickly, eyes widening.

He goes into an explanation about how she stumbled into his window after a party, and told him she wasn't like other vampires.

"I think you got a little ahead of yourself, B." I say with a sigh. "She couldn't have kissed you unless she had another motive."

He shrugs.

"She sleeps?" Sarah asks.

"That's not the only thing..." I say.

They both look at me.

"I had a vision about it. She has these three... powers, and they were all represented by different things."

Benny then tells me what she had told him.

"And she tried to wipe my brain and I didn't remember, until today when you grabbed my arm." He adds.

"Well... What is she?" Benny says.

"Besides insane?" Sarah asks.

"Somehow she didn't affect me... And I could take away the effect on you guys." I pause, "It must be a twin thing."

This is gonna be a hell of a fight. I didn't want to be against her in this.

"All I know is," I say, shaking my head, "We need her on our side."

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