chapter 16.5

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"Faulty 3D glasses?" Sarah asks as we walk to school. "Who's gullible enough to believe that?"

I chuckle, thinking of quite a few people in this school.

I look up at clouds half covering the sun in the sky. It gives me the same wary feeling I get everyday. I push my sun glasses farther up my nose and my gray hoodie farther over my face.

"Um, these are Duskers we're talking about remember?" Ethan says.

"Besides, the town is safe, Jesse rejoined his flock..." Benny adds.

"And now you've got me to worry about." I mumble.

"What?" Benny asks beside me.

I pop my head up.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just hot." I say with a fake smile.

"Tell me about it." Sarah sighs.

"It's all good right?" Benny says with a grin.

"Yep." The other two agree.

I don't say anything. I think what's going on in my brain is better left unsaid.

"You're not still dying, are you?" Ethan asks Sarah. "I mean your mortal body seems to be doing just fine."

I wiggle my eyebrows at Benny.

"Was that an attempt at flirting?" I whisper to him.

He lets out a cough to try and cover his laugh.

"Thanks. Well Benny's grandmother makes a mean blood substitute." She explains.

I make gagging noises. I tried it. One word.


"That, and she found my spell book." Benny says happily.

I look at him with a soft smile. He notices and sends a tiny grin back. I feel a tiny flutter in my chest, but shake it away.

"And my eyesight is back. It's all good." I say cheerfully.

"Hey guys!"

I turn my neck to where the sound is coming from. Rory and Erica are standing in sunglasses and long sleeves and smiling. My face drops. I completely forgot. Erica's gonna be so mad at me.

"I'll catch you guys in a sec." I say.

I bound up to my fanged friends.

"Guys! Am I glad this is over! Erica! I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just-" I start to ramble.

"Hayley." She interrupts, grinning. "Go catch your boyfriend."

She nods her head to where they're walking away.

"What?" Rory asks, bewildered, looking after Benny.

"Not my boyfriend." I say defensively.

Rory looks relieved.

"Not yet." Erica says with a smirk. "Go, stupid."

I roll my eyes and push her playfully.

I turn around and run up to them.

"Benny! Shut up!" Sarah and Ethan say.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"Shut what? What'd I miss?" I ask.

WILD ➳ Benny Weir [1]Where stories live. Discover now