chapter 9

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I very reluctantly grab a shovel and start digging into the ground, shooting a glare at Jesse.

It's like I walked into this just for someone to tell me what to do.

Apparently what we're doing is digging up a little box for the Cube Anus.

*cue immature chuckle*

I can't help but feel we're not the only ones here. I'm not so sure though, nowadays it feels like there's always someone watching.

I drop the shovel as I feel a sudden cold blast shoot through my head. Biting my lip, I look around slowly to see if anyone saw. Judging by their focused expressions on the ground, they didn't.

Ethan's here. I know it.

I turn around slowly and survey my surroundings, looking for a glimpse of a familiar face. I jump a little when a hand lays on my shoulder.

"You okay?" Robbie asks, though his face isn't holding any real concern.

"Yeah, yeah, fine." I say quickly, picking the shovel back up, only to find that they were finished.

As he watches what they're doing, my eyes linger on his face.

I don't know why I'm still with him.

It's like talking to an emotionless rock when I was with him. I've realized that I'm not intimidated by him the same way I was before I got... nevermind.

He was basic to me, and couldn't affect my judgement anymore. I figured I'd stay with him until someone real came along. And Erica would kill me if I cause anything.

I wonder who someone real will be.

A yell jolts me from my thoughts
Everyone turns around, as do I.

There is someone watching us. But from what I can see, they're already gone, but Gord is already investigating where the sound came from.

I can imagine the little light bulb above my head.

If Ethan's here, then that was sure as hell Sarah. And I'm certain that means Benny tagged along.

The thought makes me sad.

I look around at the dull gathering, everyone in dark gray and black.

I want to be there. With them. I want ice cream sundaes, Star Wars marathons, maybe even another hug from Benny...

I'm getting ahead of myself. I have no doubt that they're against this. Which means they're against me. I wish it wasn't a competition or anything, but that's what it's feeling like.

"Hey, I should get going, my moms gonna be worried." I say suddenly, my eyes flicking between Erica and Robbie.

Erica rolls her eyes but is doesn't seem too bothered. She waves and Robbie has another expressionless look as I pull Rory away with me.

"Hey! We were just getting started!" Rory whines.

"We have to...err, go to my house, I gotta show you something." I lie.

He says stupid goodbyes to everyone like he's known them for years.

In reality, it's sad to admit, but none of them like him. Poor Rory. He's never done anything to deserve being so annoying. It just doesn't bother me like everyone else.

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