chapter 11

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**Back to Hayley's POV**

Shorter chapter!

I twist around and stretch. I open my eyes, blinking slowly. There's a lingering pain pounding through my head which causes me to groan. I close my eyes again.

I reopen my eyes, about to check the clock. I look up at the ceiling and freeze.

This isn't my room.

There's just enough light to see around the room. I look around cautiously, realizing I recognize the room.

I realize something else with a start. My head lays on the chest of someone. His arm wraps around my waist, holding me close to him.

First I feel butterflies fluttering around my stomach. I scrunch my eyes shut, trying to remember what happened.

The party with Erica. I don't remember where she went... When did I come here?

It only causes the pain in my head to become sharper, so I stop and open my eyes.

Another realization hits me: this is wrong.

"No!" I whine, jerking from his grip.

His eyes fly open and he sits up quickly.
"Are you okay?" He asks, looking around the room quickly.

"No. No, no no no." I say to myself, pacing.

He rubs his eyes and gives me a confusing look.

I vamp speed over to him and grip his head, checking his neck for bite marks.

It's all clear, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Woah. Relax." He says, gently pushing me off.

"Relax?" I ask, teeth clenched. "Relax?"

"I mean-"

"I could've killed you." I growl.

"But you didn't." He says with a tiny smile.

"This cannot happen. Ever again."

I glare at the ground. I can't believe myself. I could have hurt him.

His expression becomes sad.

"Sorry, Hay." He says, looking at the ground. "I missed you."

My anger melts a little.

"What do you know?" I say without emotion.


"What did I tell you?!" I snap.

"Calm down. You told me you went to a party and your window was closed.

That's it." He says.

I sigh.

"Benny, I..." My voice soft. "I'm sorry... we can't do this anymore."

"It's okay, we never really have sleepovers recently anywa-"

"No! I can't talk to you anymore!" I say sharply.

I look up to see his expression, the threat of tears burning in my eyes. He looks shocked, then hurt. I wince.

"Does vampirism change you into a completely different person, too?" He says quietly, his eyes not meeting mine.

"You don't understand!" I say, with a tear running down my cheek. "There is nothing I want more than to run to you."

He stands up and finally meets my eye.

"So do it." He says.

I bite the inside of my cheek and step closer to him.

"Why?" I demand.

He steps even closer. He's taller, so I'm looking up at him a bit. He looks down at me with a pained look.

"I want you to." He mumbles.

I struggle to keep my breath under control as I look up at him sadly.

"I swear to God, Benny..." I start.

I pull him in by his head and kiss him.

Before he can do anything, I draw back. He's looking at me, eyes wide with shock. My cold hands are still on his face. My eyes hold a cold, pained look.

"I'm not sure I've ever been so torn in my life, Benny." I say, shaking my head.


"Shh." I say.

My eyes start to heat up. As they do, his eyes widen a bit.

"You don't remember this, do you?" I say.

His eyes reflect scarlet and his widened eyes go into some kind of daze.

"Remember what?" He says.

"Now you should go get ready. School starts soon." I say.

His eyes roll to the back of his head and return.

"Okayyy..." He drawls out.

He starts to walk away, and I make my way to his window. I look back at him, sitting on the edge of the windowsill, my feet dangling outside. He shakes his head, getting out of his daze.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, and jump out the window before he can see.

I wasn't going to let what I wanted get in the way of keeping any of them safe.

All I wanted was to be normal again

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