Chapter 6

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"Hurry up, Lia. I'm hungry!" I yell at Lia, who's cleaning her glasses.

"Relax, we have plenty of time before we have to go to First Feeding." She assures me.

"But I wanna get there early. I'm sooo hungry." I complain.

"Oh my gosh, Aimee. Stop complaining! We'll be there soon, I just need to finish cleaning my glasses."

I exhale dramatically. I open the door to let Lia know I'm about to leave without her, when I see a slip of paper on the floor. It was an Age Notice. I pick the paper up and look at the markings: Bellia 21.

"Hey, Lia." I catch her attention. "You're 21 now!" I give her the Age Notice and she takes it, putting her glasses on so she could see the markings.

"Cool, I was wondering when I was gonna turn 21!" She says excitedly.

I sit down next to her on the bottom bunk, "I hope I turn 21 soon, I'm kind of sick of being 20. I like it when our ages are the same."

"Who knows, maybe you'll get your Age Notice soon." She says.

"When do you think we'll be Adults?" I ask her.

She shrugs, "I don't know. I don't think I want to be one, though."

I look at her in confusion. "What? Why not?"

"It just seems like they don't have fun like we do." She explains.

"Oh. Well, maybe they do have fun, we just don't go there often enough to see them do anything. Are you ready to go now?" I ask impatiently.

"Yeah, let's go. Don't forget, we're hanging out with Pam today." We both get up and go out the door. As usual, we get to our table before the boys do.

"Wow, we've been sitting here for quite a while and you haven't eaten yet? I thought you were 'sooo hungry'." Lia teases.

I ignore her comment as I look around for Harry and Louis. I give up and start eating my bread.

"Ahem." I look up to see Louis, with Harry standing directly behind him.

"I present to you, for the first time ever, Harry with his natural hair!" Louis very loudly proclaims. Harry walks out from behind him, proudly showing us his un-styled hair.

I stand up in awe. "Oh, my gosh. You have curly hair!" His hair was messy and all over the place, but somehow still neat. "I think it looks really good." I compliment him.

He smiles brightly, "Thank you, Aimee. Don't forget about our deal, though. I didn't style my hair at all, so I get your bread at Second Feeding today." He reminds me.

I sigh. "I forgot about that. But, a deal's a deal. Although, I'm not looking forward to giving you my food."

"Well, that's too bad. Like you said, a deal's a deal." He smirks.

We all sit back down and eat our bread in silence.

Lia strikes up a conversation with Harry. "Your hair really does look nice. You should keep it like this all the time."

"Thanks, Lia. I think I will leave it like this. It's much easier than having to style it every day. In fact, I actually woke up with my hair looking exactly like this..." They continue talking to each other, so I turn to Louis and lean closer to him.

"So, did you get the chance to talk to him last night?" I whisper.

"Yep." He simply said.

"...Well? What happened?"

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