Chapter 23

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     I close my eyes at 11 to try to sleep. When I open them, I check the time. It's 12. I close them again, and the next time I open them, the time is 1. This went on for a while, I'd try to sleep but end up waking up barely one hour later, and I'm sure Lia is also having a hard time sleeping.

     Lia was right when she said what she saw would scare me. The Adults lied about not knowing where Zayn is. Why would they lie to us when they spend so much time telling us not to lie to each other? They always say lying is bad, but they did it to us anyways. And how did Bates and Lenore know about my kiss with Harry? At least now I know what it's called. I'm going to tell Harry about it in the morning, and then I'll tell him I would like to do it again.

     The Adults are starting to scare me a bit. They've always been so kind to us, though, there's nothing to fear. But they've changed. No, there's nothing to fear. But they lied to us. No, there's nothing to fear.

"Nothing to fear, nothing to fear, nothing to fear..." I whisper to myself over and over again. Maybe if I say it enough times, I'll start to believe it.

     I look at the wall to see what time it is. I groan when I see that it's only 3. I hear Lia shuffling around, but she doesn't say anything. I decide to close my eyes again.

     It's 5 when I open them again. At least I slept for two hours straight this time, as opposed to only one. But there's only two hours left until the lights turn on, I need more sleep. I turn to my side, maybe it'll make a difference. My ankle is really bothering me so I take the stretchy brace off. I'll put it back on later.


"Get up, lazy." I open my eyes only to see Lia throw my day clothes directly at my face with force.

"What time is it?" I ask, my voice sounding groggy.

"7. We have First Feeding in less than an hour, so get ready." She's already in her day clothes, so she goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth while I'm changing. She seems strangely cheery.

"What are we doing today?" I ask her.

     She shrugs, smiling, "Not sure, but we can ask Louis and Harry what they wanna do today if you want."

     Why is she acting so happy? Her mood has completely flipped since last night. I finish getting ready for the day and walk over to where she's standing by the drawer.

"Lia? Why are you so happy?" I cautiously ask.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She cheerily answers. "It's a new day, full of endless opportunities. Can't I feel happy without being interrogated?" She jokes.

"Um...okay. That doesn't really answer my question, though."

     Her eyes dart to a corner on top of the wall and back to me.

"We should head on over to the South Wing now. We wouldn't wanna be late to First Feeding, would we?" She suggests. Her cheeriness is creeping me out a bit.

"Alright..." I put my ankle brace back on and we leave the room.

     We walk down the hallway for a few moments before I speak up. "I thought we were going to talk more about what you told me last night?" I point out. She takes another glance up, this time at the ceiling of the hallway.

"I don't really know what you're talking about, Aimee."

     I stop walking immediately after she said that. Did she just say what I thought she said? No, it can't be true. Please tell me she didn't forget like the others did.

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