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"So, now what do we do?" I ask everyone. After a few minutes of rejoicing that we finally made it out of Eden, we had started walking away from the sand and the large body of water. We walked through the grass field for a while, before we came across a squiggly dirt road in the middle of the grass. We're now following the road to see where it leads.

"Well," Louis speaks up. "We keep walking until we find someone who can help us. Once we reach civilization, we tell our story."

"What if nobody believes us?" Lia asks. I'm too busy loving the feeling of the wind hitting my face and looking up at what's apparently called the sky, which was clear and blue and didn't have a ceiling, to worry about what is going to happen when someone finds us. The bright light in the sky was incredible, I've never seen anything like it.

"They have to," Niall answers her. "Why would they not believe us?"

     Lia shrugs. "It just seems really unlikely that our story actually happened."

     Louis sighs. "I know, but it would be easier to believe it since we're all telling it. If there was only one of us, they would think that person is mental."

     We keep walking down the dirt road, nobody saying a word. Then, Pam gasps.

"What?" Zayn worriedly asks. "What's wrong?"

     Pam's eyes widen, and she points to something ahead of us. "Is...is that-?!"

     I look to where she's pointing, and I squint. I do see something small in the distance, but I can't tell what it is.

"It is!!" Harry exclaims. "It's a house!"

"Come on, let's go!" Louis yells, running towards it. We all run after him, and I ignore my ankle pain. It seems irrelevant now. As we run, the thing gets bigger and bigger. We finally reach it and stop running.

"It's a shack," Pam says. "Someone's bound to be in there, right?"

"Only one way to find out," Harry says, knocking on the door. We all stand in silence, waiting for something to happen. Finally, the door handle slowly turns and the door opens.

"What do you want?" An elderly man says, trying to hide behind the door.

"Sir, we're lost," Louis replies. "We've been trapped underground for years and we finally got out, can you please help us? Where are we?"

     The man frowns before responding. "Damn teenagers. I moved out here to get away from the likes of you. Get lost."

"Please, sir!" I exclaim. "We're telling the truth, we just need your help."

"Can you at least guide us to the nearest city?" Harry asks.

"Wait a minute," the man looks at us curiously. "Are you the Eden kids?"

     I gasp. How did he know?

"Yes, we are!" Lia says. "How do you know about us?"

     "That genius man told everyone on TV about twenty years ago that he was gonna do an underground experiment," he says. "I completely forgot about that, though, it was such a long time ago. The government wouldn't allow it, so he didn't tell anyone where his experiment was gonna be. They've been looking for you kids for years! Come on in! We're about an hour away from Boston by car."

"Boston? We're in America?" Louis asks, and the man nods. "But, Harry and I were kidnapped in England, why would he bring us all the way to America?"

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