Chapter 46

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     For a while, nobody moves. The Adult stares at us, frozen in his spot, until he breaks out of his trance and gasps.

" kids shouldn't be here!" He exclaims. He turns around and runs, probably to tell someone we're here.

     Louis, Zayn, and Niall chase after him. Louis slows down to take a breath while Zayn and Niall catch up to the Adult. Zayn tackles him to the ground, twisting the Adult's arm behind his back.

"Let go of me, you stupid kid!" The Adult yells, squirming. Zayn pulls the Adult up, keeping his arm locked as he brings him back to where we are. Niall runs ahead of Zayn and opens the closet door. Zayn throws the Adult into the closet and closes the door, then Niall presses some buttons and the door locks.

     Louis slowly walks back, still breathing heavily, "Sorry, me and my damn asthma."

"Asthma?" I repeat.

"It makes it hard for me to breathe." Louis quickly explains, and I nod.

"Did we really just lock an Adult in a closet?!" Pam exclaims.

"Let me out!" We hear the muffled voice of the Adult, who's pounding on the door.

"He deserved it," Zayn answers, "He's one of the people who wouldn't let me sleep at all for that whole week. Wow, it felt really good throwing him in there just now."

"We're wasting time, guys!" Niall points out. "We really need to go before anyone else finds us!"

"I can't run too much, though," Louis says, "We might need to take a few breaks, otherwise I might pass out."

"That's fine, we can take a few breaks. But we just need to leave right now." Niall says.

     We all begin running down the hall, me and Pam being last. I almost didn't notice my throbbing ankle, still sprained. It's been around two weeks, I thought it would have gotten at least a little better by now.

     I ignore the pain for as long as I can, trying not to think about how much it hurts and focusing on getting out of the West Wing.

     There are many more Adults walking around than before, so it's gotten harder to pass by them without being noticed. We run by the Main Room and I start to get excited. The entrance door should be really close to where we are now.


     We all turn around to see who yelled that, only to see a group of three Adults not far away from us, catching up to us as we run. I run as fast as my ankle will allow, but the pain has gotten unbearable. I feel like screaming as I run.

     Eventually, we outrun them and turn a corner. We hide behind the corner wall and see them run right past us. As soon as we're safe again, I let out a loud cry and bite my hand. Harry immediately rushes to my side.

"Aimee, what's wrong?" He worriedly asks. "Is it your ankle?"

     I nod in pain as my back slides down the wall. I sit on the ground, clutching my ankle and holding back tears.

"I-I can't run anymore," I sob, "I d-don't even think I can w-walk."

     Harry sits on his knees as he inspects my swollen ankle, shaking his head.

"It's gotten bad," he states, "Really bad."

"Oh, no." Lia says. "What are we gonna do?"

"I see some Adults down the hall, guys." Niall whispers. "They're walking right toward us, we need to leave before they notice us."

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