Chapter 8

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I think Harry is a little too excited to go to the Garden. He has not stopped smiling since Louis said we could go.

"Hurry up! I want to get there before it's too late." He exclaims. He practically skips across the Center.

"Calm down, Harry. Jeez, I've never seen you so excited." I laugh.

"It's not my fault, I just haven't been there in a long time and I really like going there." He smiles.

"Well, there's no need to rush. The Garden's not going anywhere, mate." Louis comments.

"I know, I just want to get there soon so we could have more time there before we come back for Third Feeding." Harry explains.

I sigh, "We have plenty of time, Second Feeding just ended." I assure him.

He nods and slows down to let us catch up with him. We purposely walk slowly so he couldn't rush.

As we pass through the Center, I look around a little bit. There are not that many people at the drawing tables, everyone seems to be crafting a little further down on the other side of the large room. I don't understand why so many people love crafting, there's already a bunch of wooden swords to play with, why bother making more if they don't have to? And it's not like there's anything else we can craft, so it can get really boring.

When we walk by the crafting tables, we see a big crowd of people huddled together.

"What's going on over there?" Lia wonders.

Louis shrugs, "Let's go see what it is."

"Aw, c'mon guys!" Harry whines. When he realizes we're all going towards the crowd, he huffs and follows us.

I stroll up to the crowd and recognize Pam, "Hey, Pam. What's happening here?"

She turns to me, "Oh, Peter and Liam are gonna swordfight." Usually swordfights don't gather this much attention, since people do this all the time, but both Liam and Peter are really good at it. There stood Peter, getting ready to fight Liam, probably for some sort of bet or something. Liam is the best at sword fighting, he's really nice but also super strong, nobody's beaten him in a fight yet.

"Are they betting anything?" I ask Pam.

"Well, Peter doesn't want Liam to come along with us when we go look for Zayn tonight, but Liam really wants to come so Peter said that if Liam can beat him in a fight with the wooden swords they each crafted, then he can tag along." She explains.

Louis moves right in between us, "This should be interesting. Does Peter really think he has a chance against Liam?" He ponders.

"Do we have to stay and watch?" Harry asks, obviously bothered by our last-minute change of plans.

"Yeah, why not? I like a good fight." Lia enthusiastically states.

I turn to Harry, "Don't worry, I don't think it would take too long." He nods his head.

"Fine," he smirks, "but if the fight lasts too long, I'm leaving without you guys." He jokes.

"Okay, you do that." I giggle.

"Shh! The fight's already started." Lia shushes us.

I turn my attention to the fight while everyone quiets down. The only thing that could be heard was the clunking of the wooden swords swinging at each other. Apparently, Peter made the first move. He swings his sword at Liam, but Liam blocks the attack. I wasn't paying attention to that part since I was talking to Harry, but when I started watching, Peter was taking nonstop, consecutive hits at Liam, who was blocking every single one of them. I'm pretty impressed by how awesome Liam is. He's dodging every attack, either by blocking it with his sword or just maneuvering around the hits. Peter starts looking pretty tired, which is the exact opposite of how Liam looks.

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