𝟎𝟏. 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬

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and so it begins


Waking up in the mornings was hell. Knowing that you had to go to school was even worse. But the worst part was definitely those two combined and especially when you attend the school I do.

To make it all worse, my high school is literally like all those high schools you see in movies and you think it could be fun to attend because you're convinced that your swagger would be enough to win over, but sadly; that just ain't life, boo. When you attend a school with the typical hot popular and wealthy girl dating the captain of whatever sports team, him also being hot, popular and wealthy, you're just another student that anyone barely know at all. At the end of all chick flicks that nerdy guy or girl always gets the popular and hot girl or boy they crushed on, but that wasn't the case in my school either. The school's hottest girl was kind of a bitch who claimed she didn't talk to anyone who wasn't even near her popularity level and her boyfriend was a straight-up dick who always seemed pissed off, but was desired by many girl anyway; yeah, not me.

I preferred to hang out with my idiot brother and his even worse best friend. I enjoyed staying at home and doing nothing rather than attending all these lame parties every weekend and being the talk of school every week.

"Yasmine, are you up yet?"

I smoothed out my black hair and ran a brush through it a last time. "Yeah, I'll be out in a second."

Just because a girl liked to dress in dark colors didn't mean she didn't like to look good or actually make an effort in the mornings, but the Queen of Beacon Hills High had this perception that if you didn't wear bright color and dresses or skirts most of the time, you were depressed and you didn't like to look good.

Grabbing my hairband from the vanity in front of me, I pulled my straight black hair into a ponytail and smiled at the reflection staring back at me. Mascara, eyeliner, concealer and foundation was my everyday makeup routine plus some blush and some kind of lip product, like today, it was just a lip gloss that brightened up my huge lips.

Scott knocked on the door and poked in his head. "You ready to go?"

I picked up my black backpack and nodded, walking out of my bedroom, leaving Scott behind. "Yeah, let's go already."

Neither Scott or I had our own cars because of the fact that my mom was a single mom and already worked quite a lot of shifts at the hospital as a nurse so she could be able to pay the bills and take care of us. We had one car that we shared and my mom used it every day, but Scott or I were allowed to use it at a special occasion.

I managed to grab an apple from the little fruit basket before walking out to Scott's bike where I waited for him. He came walking out with an apple that he'd practically devoured already and locked the door behind him, then walked over to where I was standing and picked up his bike.

"Jump on." Scott nodded towards the handlebars of the bike as he was ready to go. I jumped onto the bars and made sure that I actually have a good grip before nodding and letting Scott go. This was basically transport routine to school - this or having our best friend Stiles drive me in his Jeep.

I made sure to keep a tight grip on the bike's handlebars the entire way to school while also munching on my red apple that was my breakfast for today. Scott may be a faster eater, but I preferred to eat my breakfast in a normal pace in order not to choke and literally fall off the handlebars, fall on the ground and probably get severally hurt.

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