𝟑𝟒. 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞

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caught in the middle


Peter had dragged Stiles and I to Stiles' baby blue Jeep and forced us to get in, then gotten in himself. He sat next to Stiles in the front, his claws out as he told the hazel-eyed boy which way to drive.

I had been sitting in the back, my hands still trembling a little. Lydia's blood was all over me and the thought of her dying scared the living hell out of me. It would be my fault if she died. If I'd just gotten there faster, then Peter wouldn't have had the chance to hurt her.

Yes, I didn't necessarily like Lydia and she didn't necessarily like me either, but there was no part of me that wanted to see her dead. I'd known her for so long and I honestly couldn't imagine how things would be without Lydia in the picture.

There was a little part in the back of my brain that kept reminding me that if Lydia died, then Stiles would be mine and not hers, but I tried to ignore that little voice in the back of my head. I didn't want Lydia to die - not tonight and not because of Peter Hale or because of me.

Stiles pulled into a parking lot, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced up and saw a car parked right next to us.

The minute Stiles got out of the Jeep, Peter grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him with him, while he shot me a look.

"Whose car is this?" I questioned as Peter stopped in front of a dark gray car and pulled out a pair of keys.

"It belonged to my nurse," He replied calmly as he tried to find the right key.

"What happened your n-" Stiles asked, jumping back when he saw the dead nurse lying in the trunk. "Oh my God!"

My eyes widened when I saw Jennifer lying dead in the trunk of her own car. I felt sorry for her, but some part of me felt like she should've known what she was signing up for when she began helping Peter. Despite feeling like it was her own fault, I took a few steps back in shock, my hand now placed over my mouth.

Peter leaned down, lifted Jennifer's limp arm and picked up a laptop bag, which he then handed to Stiles. "I got better," he shrugged and slammed the trunk door.

"Good luck getting a signal down here." Stiles remarked. "Oh, MiFi. And you're a Mac guy." He said as Peter pulled out a MacBook and placed it on the car's trunk. "Does that go for all werewolves, or just personal preference?"

Peter glanced back at me, then at Stiles. "Turn it on. Get connected."

"You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here." Stiles stated as he turned over the little device and began typing in the MiFi code. "Look, you still need Scott's username and password, and I'm sorry, but I don't know them."

I stood in the back, just hugging myself. I still couldn't believe what I'd seen. I knew Peter was eventually going to find his way to Derek, because he was an incredibly smart and cunning man. I knew Stiles would try to distract him and keep him away from Scott as long as possible, because Scott was like his brother.

And I knew that Stiles hadn't spoken to me since we stood on the lacrosse field, because he probably felt like what happened to Lydia was either my fault, or because he felt I could've prevented it if I'd just gotten there faster.

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