𝟎𝟐. 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫

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male stripper


Why did I associate myself with people like my brother and Stiles?

That was a question I asked myself very often. It was a question I had been asking myself the entire ride out here to the Preserve in Stiles' Jeep.

Stiles and Scott told me everything as I was sitting at home, peaceful eating my candy bar. They told me about how Stiles had listened in on his dad's call, the Sheriff of Beacon Hills, and heard that two joggers had found a body in the woods last night, but only half of it. They told me about how Stiles insisted they go find the other half and Scott didn't do that much to disagree in any way and ended up going with Stiles. I was told how the Sheriff saw Stiles and made him leave with him, leaving Scott in the woods alone to almost get tramped down by deers, to get bitten by an animal of some sorts and have him lose his damn inhaler that he would need, because my dear brother had asthma. Another thing that made me wonder what happened today at lacrosse, because Scott had asthma and tended to need his pump a lot, also a reason why he couldn't be first line last year, so how did he manage to play lacrosse today without needing his inhaler?

At least, they had the decency to let me change from my black beloved Converse to some boots that could survive mud and all that crap you'd find and walk through in the Preserve, especially around the area where Scott claimed he had lost his inhaler.

"I don't know what it was." Scott told us as he jumped through the water first. "It was like...I had all the time in the world to catch the ball."

Stiles had taken it upon himself to question Scott about his newly found lacrosse skills and his response was very weird, even he sounded weirded out as he talked.

"And that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott continued to talk to us as we pushed past the branches.

Stiles raised an eyebrow. "Smell things? Like what?"

"Like," he seemed to be sniffing the air. "The mint mojito gym in your pocket and the vanilla scented lip gloss in Yasmine's pocket."

"I don't have any mint mojito-" Stiles said and felt inside his pocket, only to stop speaking as he pulled out a little piece of mint mojito gum.

I narrowed my eyes a little and reached into my jacket pocket, pulling out the white lip gloss. "How could you smell that? There's barely any vanilla scent at all and you shouldn't be able to smell it unless you were wearing it."

"So, all this started with a bite?" Stiles asked and made sure I'm walking right next to him as we followed Scott who lead the way.

"What if it's like an infection?" Scott suggested worried. "Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"

"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this." Stiles said and it made me wonder what Stiles could've heard that involved heightened sense of hearing, reflexes and the sense of smell. "It's a specific kind of infection."

Scott looked at his best friend. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I think it's called lycanthropy."

I rolled my eyes and began laughing when I heard what he answered and I remembered what it was. "Stiles, seriously?"

"What's that? Is that bad?" Scott asked us very worried, obviously not knowing what Stiles meant.

I nodded. "Oh, yeah. It's the worst."

𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐝 ▷ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now