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The sequel to DEEP RED will be up soon and it's named VERDANT

Again, thank to everyone who has read or voted for this story. It means the world to me, because this story wasn't doing so well at first, and it was my first story based on a TV show. I had just read a series about Scott having a sister and I was so inspired by that, which lead me to writing my own story. I was too inspired by that series in the first three chapters of this story and then suddenly I stopped writing for this story.

I soon began writing again and then I decided I couldn't be copying someone's story, because that's just wrong, and so I got all these ideas of my own, and I began writing again.

The sequel is named VERDANT, it'll take place in season two and it will indeed explain what happened to Yasmine (that is if you haven't already figured it out) and how she survived. I'm so excited for that story and I hope you all will go read that to continue reading about Yasmine's journey through the supernatural world.

Again, thank you, babies. I truly, from the bottom of heart, appreciate every single view, comment and vote.

Until the next time,


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