𝟐𝟕. 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡

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"Yeah, I did and it looks just like the drawing." Stiles said to Scott, who he was on the phone with.

Scott had gotten Allison's necklace and he'd managed to take a picture and send it to us, and then made it to the school since there was a game tonight, but Scott had no idea as to where we were currently at.

"Hey, is there something on the back of it? There's gonna something on the back of it; an inscription, an opening, something!" Derek barked into the phone, holding Stiles' wrist tightly in his hand as the hazel-eyed boy made noises of pain.

I snorted and tried not to laugh out loud as Stiles glared at me. "It's funny." I defended myself and tried to hold my laughter in.

'No, no, the thing's flat and no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing.' Scott replied. 'And where are you?! You're supposed to be here, you're first line!' He directed it towards Stiles.

Stiles managed to rip his arm out of Derek tight's grip and put his phone back on a normal mode instead of speaker, so Derek and I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, but I could easily imagine what Scott would say. He'd ask where Stiles was and tell him that if he didn't show up soon, he wouldn't be able to actually start the game and since he's first line, he'd have to be there at the start of the game.

A pang of sadness did strike me as I thought about that fact that for the first time ever, Stiles was first line and he'd been given an opportunity to play, but since we were out here following up on a lead, he wouldn't be able to make it back to the school and play the game. Sheriff Stilinski seemed so happy that Stiles was actually going to play and I remembered Scott telling me how Stiles had jumped up from the bench, hella excited that he was first line.

"I know!" Stiles said into the phone. "Look, if you just, just if you see my dad, can you tell him...tell him I'll be there - I'll just be a little bit late, okay?" Stiles said to Scott. "Alright, thanks."

"You're not gonna make it." Derek and I, weirdly, enough said in unison and shared a 'that's was really weird' look before both looked back at Stiles.

Stiles sighed heavily. "I know."

"And you didn't tell him about his mom either."

Stiles huffed at what Derek had just said. "Well, not until we find out the truth."

"Because my mom didn't do anything." I spat and ran a hang through the ends of my hair.

"By the way, one more thing." Derek interrupted the small silence that had fallen.

Stiles glanced up at Derek. "Yeah."

A gasp left my mouth as Derek grabbed the back of Stiles' head and slammed it onto the steering wheel.

"Ah, what the hell-?!" Stiles exclaimed shocked while holding the front of his head.

Derek accusingly pointed his finger. "You know what that was for!" He exclaimed. "Go. Go!"

Stiles got out of the car and I climbed out through the front seat, jumping down onto the ground as well. Stiles slammed the door to his Jeep shut and left Derek sitting in there all alone as Stiles and I headed into the Long Term Care facility that belonged to the Beacon Hills Hospital where my mom worked and from where the text to Allison had been sent.

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