𝟐𝟖. 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬

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new responsibilities


Last night, I'd had a hard time sleeping.

Scott, Stiles and I had stayed in locker room and, like I'd suspected, Peter had indeed showed up there before Stiles and I arrived, but he'd had Derek with him. Apparently, Peter managed to convince Derek that he didn't kill Laura intentionally and that he needed Derek on his side to get revenge for the Hale family dying in the fire started by Kate Argent.

Scott told us about how Peter had dug his claws into his neck and how from there, Scott had felt and seen everything Peter had been through, feeling every ounce of pain Peter had experienced.

After that, Stiles had told Scott where he and I had been and how we'd discovered that Peter Hale was indeed the Alpha. Stiles also told Scott that I'd recognized Peter and Jennifer, and from there I explained to my brother and my best friend how I knew Peter and Jennifer. They understood the betrayal I felt and together, we understood how hard it would be to take Peter down now that he also had Derek on his side.

Stiles pulled up into the empty lot. Jackson was standing in the middle of the lot, Chris Argent standing not far away. Scott had told us that Kate and Chris Argent suspected Jackson of being the beta because of the claw marks on his neck.

"Yo." Scott greeted.

"Sup?" Stiles hollered loudly, nodding his head.

I rolled at my best friend's and my brother's attempts of acting causal. Stiles and Scott always seemed so suspicious when they tried to act casual and it was funny at times, but sometimes, it made me want to cringe.

"Everything okay?" I pushed Scott to the side, leaning forward to smile at Chris, who returned my smile.

He'd seen me at Allison's place before and he seemed okay around me, even though he was a werewolf hunter who was searching for my brother so he could kill him.

Wasn't my life just lovely?

"Hey Yasmine, your friend here was just having car trouble." Chris replied. "We were just taking the look."

"There's a shop right down the street, I'm sure they have a tow-truck." Scott spoke, seeming perfectly innocent.

Stiles nodded. "Yeah, you want a ride?" He asked Jackson.

Scott opened the door to his side of the Jeep as to tell Jackson to get into the Goddamn car.

"Hey, come on, Jackson. You're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself." Stiles stated, making me grin a little at the hint of mockery in his tone.

Jackson nodded after being stared at by Scott and began walking towards the Jeep, taking long steps. Scott jumped out of Jeep, so that Jackson could climb into the backseat where I was sitting. Even though I didn't really want Jackson sitting next to me, I didn't want to see him die either.

"Hey boys!" Chris hollered, catching everyone's attention. He opened the driver's door and turned the key that was still in the ignition, the car starting up immediately. "Told you I knew a few things about cars."

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