𝟐𝟑. 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬

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smudged lipstick and broken hearts


"Hey, where's Scott?" I asked confused as I approached Stiles, who had been sitting on a bleach in his lacrosse gear. "Haven't seen him since he freaked out earlier."

Stiles scratched his neck awkwardly. "Um, he had to go ask Lydia something real quick. Why?"

My eyebrows furrowed at how tense the air was between us so I just shrugged and smiled softly before turning around and walking away, my backpack jumping a little. I sat down on a bleacher and tried not to look weirdly down at Scott and Stiles. There was this smile on Scott's face that worried me and when I saw Lydia walking out onto the field, her nude lipstick smudged, I knew something had happened.

Instead of actually asking my brother or acting on my emotions, I just decided to ignore it and smiled at Danny who'd been looking at me from the field. We'd planned to hang out later, even though tonight was a full moon, but ever since Scott had uttered that disturbing sentence in the locker room, I had to pull Danny to the side earlier and canceled our hang-out, to which he just smiled and nodded, telling me that he'd be up for hanging out some other day.

Practice began just minutes later, and as I watched Scott and Stiles walk out onto the field in each their jerseys, Lydia sat down next to me and somewhat ignored me as her green eyes stayed locked on the field. I decided not to say anything and ignored her as well, not wanting to ask why she'd sat down next to me as we weren't exactly best friend and we weren't exactly fond of each other.

When it was Scott's turn to make the goal, he was immediately blocked by the two defense players and thrown to the ground, snickers from some of the boys behind him.

"Did you know Scott just began co-captain of the lacrosse team?" Lydia suddenly spoke up.

I tried not to seem too surprised and kept a calm look on my face as I replied. "No, I didn't."

Lydia glanced over for a second before she looked back at the field. "I like your lipstick."

"Thanks," I replied nonchalantly, subconsciously running my tongue over my pink-toned nude lipstick. "I like yours as well,"


That was the entire conversation between Lydia and I, and I was surprised that we were complimenting each other and not cursing one another out. We barely spoke, but when we did, we weren't exactly friendly. I didn't like her and she didn't like me, simple as that. Lydia was a bitch -- a rich, spoiled, egotistic, self-absorbed bitch who only thought of herself -- and that was my only option on her. I was pretty sure her opinion of me was somehow down the same lane, but who cares?

Coach had said something to Scott as he'd been laying on the ground and I watched as he jumped up from the ground and instead of letting Stiles have his go, Scott pushed him back, grabbed another ball and tried again. This time, he tackled both players in defense to the ground and even struck Danny in the face as he made the goal. I gasped as I stood up and ran down, pushing past some players as I ran to one of my closest friends.

I bent down and grabbed Danny's hand in support, feeling him squeeze my hand as a paramedic came running. I nodded at Stiles who walked over to Scott, and I watched them have a conversation. Feeling a slight squeeze to my hand, I glanced down and ignored Jackson's and Lydia's eyes on me as I focused on my injured friend, blood oozing down from his nose and further down his face.

"Looks like he just has a bloody nose," Jackson said as he glanced over at Lydia, his eyebrows furrowing when he noticed what I'd noticed before.


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