𝟎𝟔. 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞

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saturday night game


When I got home last night, I was dead. Okay, not literally, but I was exhausted. Scott, Stiles and I had found the proof we needed to get Derek locked up, so after that, we'd rushed to get out of there before sour wolf came back and probably killed us all.

This morning, I was awoken by Scott who told me that I had twenty minutes to get ready since the Sheriff's Department now knew about the buried body by Derek's property and were on their way to arrest him. I got dressed in some jeans and pulled on a random sweatshirt, pulled on some Vans, and managed to pull my black hair into a messy bun before I was dragged out to Stiles' Jeep by Scott. Again, I barely had the chance to put on my seatbelt before Stiles sped off, almost making me fall forward.

What was I suppose to do with these two boys?


Scott and I were leaning up against Stiles' Jeep that stood in between a few trees, the owner of the Jeep not with us right now, for an unknown reason.

Derek looked over at Scott and I as he was leaving out of the house by a deputy, the Sheriff walking closely behind them. The expression on Derek's face kinda made me think that he wasn't surprised; he wasn't surprised to know that Scott had gotten him arrested.

Scott nudged me, nodding towards the trees. I glanced over and cursed when I saw Stiles walking towards the police cruiser where Derek was sitting, acting all calm. Scott and I shook our heads and tried to make him stop, but that didn't stop Stiles from taking a quick look around before getting into the car. Scott and I turned around, sighing frustrated over our best friend.

Why the hell would Stiles get into that damn car when Derek was in there? I'm a hundred percent sure that if he wanted to, Derek could easily break out of those cuffs and get away, which meant he could easily hurt Stiles who'd been stupid enough to get in that car.

"Shit!" I cursed and slammed my forehead annoyed when the Sheriff pulled open the door to the cruiser and pulled out Stiles, an annoyed and angry look on his face.

Scott sighed and buried his head in my shoulder. "Oh my God!"

Stiles was soon let go by his father and approached us, so the first thing I did, when he neared us, was to slap his arm. "Why did you hit me?!"

"You know why!" I spat before getting into the Jeep.

Scott patted Stiles' shoulder.


"I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial." I told Stiles as I typed it in on my Google search bar.

"Just keep looking." Stiles told me. "Maybe it's like a ritual or something. Like maybe they bury you as a wolf. Or maybe it's like a special skill, y'know, like something you have to learn."

"I'll put it on my to-do list." Scott stated, not looking well at all. "Underneath figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight."

I placed a hand on his shoulder in worry, and he didn't shake it off, but he didn't assure me he was fine either, making me worry even more.

"Maybe it's different for girl werewolves-" Stiles stated, not even listening to Scott.

"Okay, stop it!" Scott snapped.

Stiles raised an eyebrow, sharing a confused look with me. "Stop what?"

"Stop saying werewolf! Stop enjoying this so much!"

𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐝 ▷ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now