𝟎𝟒. 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐝

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As if things could get worse for Scott, Stiles and I at the moment, Scott told Stiles and I all about how Derek had taken Allison's jacket in order to lure Scott out to the woods, so that he could explain to Scott how you act when you're a werewolf and all that. What Derek hadn't expected were so called 'hunters' to also show up and almost shoot both down with arrows. Just as I was beginning to think that hunters were our biggest problem, Scott so kindly also informed Stiles and I that Allison's father was one of the men he had seen in the woods, which meant that Allison's father was also a hunter.

A werewolf dating the daughter of a hunter? Freaking awesome!

"Jackson, take a long stock today." Coach hollered, making me snap out of my thoughts and look around confused for a minute.

I sighed as I stared at field. Lacrosse practice was early this morning as it was a morning practice and to support my brother and my best friend, I was now sitting out here on the bleachers and watching the practice.

People were cheering loudly as Coach had made Jackson play defense for the goalie for the practice today. The boys were standing in line and turn by turn, they'd try to make the shot to see who actually deserved to be first line and who not.

"Greenberg, take a lap." Coach yelled louder in the familiar boy's face. Greenberg sighed heavily, but being a sucker for Coach, he did just as he was asked.

My eyes darted over to the line when I heard Coach say 'let's go' to someone and cursed when I saw it's Scott. Though it wasn't exactly the full moon, he was still a teenage werewolf and he could lose control.

It sounds crazy even thinking that.

Scott took off running and I was sitting in the bleachers, just hoping that my brother managed to dodge Jackson and make the shot, but it didn't turn out that way, because Jackson ran right towards Scott, causing him to fall flat on the ground.

"Hey McCall." Coach said as he approached my brother. "McCall. My grandmother can move faster than that." He taunted him as Scott got up from the ground. "And she's dead. Do you think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"

When I barely saw or heard Scott reply, but saw him still standing bent over, I began to have thoughts that I didn't exactly wish to come true.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, Coach."

"Then do it again." Coach mumbled to him. Scott took off running back towards the line of others players and I managed to share a worried look with Stiles who was also standing in the line. "McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again! Let's go!"

Scott took off running and from his posture, I knew things were about to get gruesome. Just as I hoped that he'd run around Jackson or knock him to the ground softly, he rammed straight into Jackson's right shoulder, knocking Jackson to the ground. I stood up worried to see what was happening as Coach and all the players ran over to Jackson and formed a circle around him.

When I saw Stiles holding tightly onto Scott while leading him away from the field, I took that as my cue to follow the two boys into the locker room.

"Scott, are you okay?" I questioned worried as I grabbed his other arm and helped Stiles drag Scott into the locker room.

He looked up with his bright golden eyes. "Get away from me!"

𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐝 ▷ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now