𝟏𝟒. 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

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old memories


Jackson Whittemore's hand slowly knocked on the door in front of him, a nervous look on his face as he rocked back and forth on his shoes, his hands buried in the warmth of his pant pockets.

Yasmine McCall opened the door and a smile appeared on her face when she saw her boyfriend standing outside her house. "Hey babe," she greeted and moved so he could enter her house. "I didn't think we were hanging out today."

"Um, that's not why I'm here, Yazzy." Jackson told her nervously as he watched her brown eyes fill with confusion and curiosity.

"Then why are you here?" Yasmine asked. "Not that I mind!" She added, not wanting to sound rude.

Jackson sat down on the couch and buried his head in his hands. How was he suppose to look her in the eye? She loves him and he used to line her, but maybe that would only last for a few more seconds. He knew it was gonna be hard already when he was on his way here and he had hoped that he would able to build up more confidence on his way here in his brand new gray Porsche, but that certainly hadn't happened and if anything, it'd only made him even more nervous and anxious.

Yasmine sat down next to him and placed a hand gently on his shoulder, a worried look present on her face. "Jackson, what's wrong? You can tell me."

"Y-you'll never forgive me after this."
He mumbled sadly and stood up, a determined look on his face. "Oh my God, how the hell am I suppose to do this?!" He muttered to himself as he pulled on his styled hair.

Yasmine stayed seated as she looked up at her stressed-out boyfriend who was now pacing around her living room, muttering things underneath his own breath so lowly that she could barely hear him, let alone hear exactly what he was saying. She was worried about her boyfriend and he'd never showed up at her doorstep so unraveled before, so this was stressing the dark-haired girl out even more.

"We can't be together anymore."

Yasmine felt like someone had punched her as she heard the five words leave her boyfriend's mouth. "W-what?" She asked shocked, trying to convince herself that she'd misheard him.

Jackson built up confidence and spun around on his heels, now glancing at his girlfriend, but not looking into big, brown doe eyes. "I said: we can't be together anymore. It's over between us."

Yasmine stood up, tears pooling in her eyes as she ran a hand through her messy hair. "What?!" She asked, a little louder this time. "Is this a joke? Is Ashton Kutcher gonna jump outta my closet and yelled 'you just got punked' because this is not funny, Jackson."

Jackson figured that the only way he would be able to break up with Yasmine without breaking down would be to act like a dick so that she wouldn't want to be with him anymore.

"This is not a joke, Yasmine! I'm breaking up with you and that's how it is; deal with it!"

Yasmine's mental wall broke as she tried to keep herself composed and not fall to the floor, sobbing her eyes out. "Why? Why are you breaking up with me, Jackson?! We've been dating for seven month and we love each oth-"

"No!" Jackson yelled, hurting himself by hurting his beloved girlfriend. "I can't do this!" He spat annoyed. "We're over and that's it!" He stated before he stormed out the house again, speeding off in his Porsche.

Yasmine fell to her knees just inside her house as she began balling her eyes out, her heart completely shattered. The tears just kept flowing as she kept sobbing.


"I'm sorry." Jackson apologized as Yasmine almost closed the door in his face.

It had been a week since he'd rudely broken up with his beloved girlfriend. Walking around the mall all my herself, Yasmine had seen Jackson and Lydia Martin walking around while holding hands and smiling at each other.

Yasmine tried not to cry as she opened the door and let him into her empty house. "You have five minutes before I kick you out!" She tried to stay strong as she lead her ex-boyfriend into the living room.

"I'm sorry, Yasmine." Jackson mumbled as he stood in front of the dark-haired girl. "I-I had to break up with you."

"So you could walk around the mall with Lydia Martin, acting like you didn't brutally break my heart?"

"I began developing some feelings for Lydia," Jackson admitted as he caught Yasmine's attention. "I loved you, but I had these feelings for Lydia so I decided to break up with you instead of cheating on you with her, because you are better than that and you some deserve that. I-I didn't know how to break up with you, so I decided to be a dick so that you would start hating me."

Yasmine's eyes softened. "Really?"

Jackson nodded. "I really like Lydia, but I loved you and I would never cheat on you, Yazzy. I'm so sorry, but I didn't see another choice."

Yasmine nodded and tried not to cry again, but crossed her arms over her chest. "That's five minutes."

"No, please, Yas-"

"Please leave, Jackson." The McCall girl said as she opened the door for her previous boyfriend. "Now."

Jackson hung up head as he began walking out the door. Yasmine slammed the door and slid down the door, tears streaming down her cheeks. The last time Jackson was here and made her cry like this, Melissa had found her and asked no questions when she saw how broken her daughter looked. Jackson got into his Porsche and felt a tear fall down his cheek as she stared back at his first love's house. Slowly, he shook his head and sped off.


I sighed and pulled my black hair into a bun on the top of my head, feeling absolutely dead.

I was currently sitting on my bed, trying to figure which clothes to wear for the day, but what has happened last night continued do haunt me. The Alpha has been in my bedroom, watch me sleep. He could've killed me which I was sleeping and nobody would know it was him or have killed me when he held a hand over my mouth and has his claws pressed against my throat. For some reason, the Alpha kept coming for me and at this point, I was scared that he was going to kill me for an unknown reason.

Melissa knocked on my bedroom door and poked her head in. "Hey."

"Morning," I smiled and pulled my wet hair down, letting it fall onto my shoulders. "What's up?"

"I just vans to really you that I'm leaving now and I might have a night shift, so I'll text you if anything changes, okay?"

I nodded with a small smile playing on my lips. "Okay."

Melissa grinned and blew me a kiss before she closed the door and I heard had walk down the corridor.

I sighed and fell back on my bed, feeling like my head was about to explode. When was this Alpha drama gonna end?


This was shorter than the rest o the chapters, but it's late and I still feel inspired to write and since I don't have my laptop to watch TW, I decided to make this chapters with two different flashbacks, both in a third person POV to get more feel in it than just Yasmine's thoughts. Comment what you thought!

I really wanna buy the iPhone 7 plus. Currently, I have an iPhone 4S and it doesn't not enough space for me or is fast enough. I actually write on it and tho I love this phone with all of my heart, I really just need a new one. The plus is about 769 dollars on Apple's website which is just about 5600 DKK or something like that. What do y'all think? It's just that I'd like someone else's opinion on this since I don't currently have a job, and to buy a new phone, I would meet to get one.


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