𝟎𝟑. 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧

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full moon


Let's just say that my evening didn't go as I had planned.

Later that evening, Stiles texted me and said that I needed to come over because he needed to show me something. I knew that Stiles would actually listen to me, so I printed all information I had found on the Internet and wrote down what I found in old books that used to belong to grandparents but were gifted to me after they passed away.

Turned out that Stiles had the same suspicion as I, and he had also been researching about werewolves. We agreed that this was reality now and that we needed to stop Scott and tell him everything, so we called him over. Let's just say that it didn't go well, like, at all. Scott ended up getting hella pissed and slamming Stiles up against the wall, ready to punch him in the face. He said sorry and left because he had to go get ready and then go to pick up Allison, and that's when Stiles and I saw the long gashes in his computer chair from where Scott had punched it before leaving - gashes that can only be inflicted by something sharp; like knives or fucking claws.

After that, Stiles and I planned to go to Lydia's party tonight to keep an eye out for Scott. We had discovered that the shift could be caused by fast heart rate and I hadn't seen him so nervous around anyone as he was around Allison. It was the full moon and if the Internet told the truth, then Scott could shift and possibly hurt or kill someone tonight.

"Are you also going to a party tonight?" Melissa asked and leaned against my bedroom door.

I corrected my beige dress and nodded. "Yes."

"You look absolutely stunning, baby."

"Thanks, mom."

I managed to straighten the last bit of my hair before slipping on my beige boots and a silver necklace. Yes, Stiles and I were going to keep an eye on Scott, but that didn't mean that we couldn't have fun ourselves and at least make ourselves look presentable.

I picked up my phone and saw that Stiles was on his way, so I walked out of the bedroom and saw my mom standing outside the bathroom in Scott's bedroom - our conjoined bathroom.

Scott walked out of the bathroom and was startled to see Melissa and I standing standing there. "Mom, Yasmine!"

"Is this a party or a date?" Melissa asked Scott with a smile and I knew she's happy to see her son going out with a girl.

"Maybe both." He answered, still only wearing a towel around his waist.

Melissa looked at me. "You?"

"I'm going to this party with Stiles, so definitely just party." I assured her and ran a hand down my dress, making sure that it wasn't crinkled at all. "I'm not interested in dating right now." I lied and falsely smiled.

Melissa returned her eyes to Scott. "And her name is?"


"Allison." Melissa nodded approvingly. "Nice." She handed the car keys to Scott.

He was almost beaming as he grabbed the keys sheepishly. "Thank you."

I smiled at my brother and my mom because I loved when they got like this, and leaned up against the wall.

"We don't need to have a talk, do we?" Melissa inquired to be on the safe side.

Scott maked a disgusted face. "Mom, I'm not having the safe sex talk with you."

I knew immediately that she didn't mean it like that when I saw her reaction to what Scott said just now.

"Oh, oh, my God! No, I meant about keeping the tank full. Give me those back." She said in a very motherly scolding tone and snatched the keys from Scott's hands.

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