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Hello, everyone.

I began writing this story back in 2016 after I discovered Teen Wolf. I watched the show and I knew I had to add my own character, so here we are. I wrote this story over a few months back between 2016 and 2017, and it became the first story I ever completed. It will, of course, be based around the first season of Teen Wolf and the main character is related to Scott. I hope you all enjoy this story written by a 16-year-old me and I hope you see my vision with it. Thank you for reading and I genuinely hope you enjoy it. Below is just a little disclaimer, so feel free to ignore that.

Love, this author now in July of 2020.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Teen Wolf, any of the characters from the show or the storylines. The story, storyline and anything else related to the show Teen Wolf belongs to MTV and Jeff Davis. I only own Yasmine McCall, her storyline and her own dialogues. I do not own the gifs either.

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