𝟑𝟏. 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠

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dress shopping


My mom had texted me early this morning, when I was still asleep, that she wouldn't be coming home since they needed her to stay longer than planned. She'd written that she'd return early today though and be home soon.

Because of this I'd woken up to an empty house. I was confused at first since I walked into Scott's bedroom and was surprised to see that he wasn't there. I'd tried calling him, but he wouldn't pick up and I was worried sick.

It was almost before I called Goddamn Sheriff's Department and got an ABP issued in Scott's name.

I'd even called Stiles, who'd been sleeping when I called, and though I was worried about my brother, I could not help but notice how hot Stiles sounded when he'd just awoken. His voice was all raspy and husky, and it sounded amazing.

Scott had returned later and he'd requested that I call Stiles immediately and get him to come over, so that he could tell us where he'd been and what had happened last night after he left us standing on the road after we'd smashed into Peter Hale's car.

Although I was worried about where Scott had been and why he hadn't been answering my calls, I couldn't help but think about what had happened last night. I wanted to hate Peter, I really did, but he was almost like family to me.

I'd met him a few times before the fire and he'd been so kind to me, so when I heard that Peter Hale was a patient at the hospital, I volunteered to be the one who entertained him and helped him. He was always kind and as much I wanted to protect my brother and everyone else I cared about, I didn't want to hate Peter.

Scott and Stiles only knew about me visiting Peter for a long time, but they had no idea that this man was like a father to me. I was friends with someone from his family and that's how I met him first, and back then, he treated me like a daughter. I refused to believe that Peter had changed so much that he'd become heartless because I knew that deep inside, he had a heart.

I didn't want anyone to get hurt. I wish there was a way I could help Scott and everyone else inflicted by the pain caused by the Alpha (also known as Peter Hale) without hurting Peter as well.

I wish there was a violence-free way to save everyone.

Scott was rummaging through his room as he tried to find his cell phone. "Call it again,"

Stiles sighed annoyed. "It's not here." He stated, but Scott was still frantically searching. "So you lost your phone, why don't you just get a new one?"

"I can't afford a new one! I can't do this alone." Scott breathed heavily and jumped up from the floor.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, A: you're not alone, you have Stiles and I. And B: didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire?" I questioned.

"He sounds pretty dead," Stiles stated, building onto my statement.

Scott looked in our the shared bathroom. "Argent's plan was to use him to get the Alpha - they're not gonna kill him."

"Alright, so just let them do what they're planning, y'know?" Stiles and I suggested in unison and shared a look, before I looked down at my feet again, letting my hair cover my face, so I couldn't see Stiles. "They use Derek to get to Peter - problem solved." Stiles stated and looked confused as Scott began throwing out clothes from his hamper in the bathroom.

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