𝟐𝟔. 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧

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miguel the cousin


I stood by the locker and threw in my Biology books, not wanting to carry around that extra weight, when I heard Lydia's voice behind me.

"Jackson!" She barked as she caught up to him.

I turned around and tried not to make it obvious that I was actually listening in on their conversation, since I could hear from Lydia's voice that it was something serious.

"This little text, not funny!"

"Oh, I wasn't trying to be funny." Jackson denied the strawberry blonde's claim immediately. "I would've put a 'haha' at the end of it and see, there's no 'haha'."

"Lydia, please give back my spare house key at your earliest convenience as we are no longer dating." Lydia read out loud from her phone, looking up at Jackson with a look of disbelief.

"You didn't lose it, did you?"

"What the hell is this?" Lydia hissed in Jackson's face.

Jackson nodded and quickly glanced over at me, so I glanced down at my phone, pretending to not have noticed him or Lydia. "In preparation of some changes, I decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life and you're just about the deadest."

Lydia gazed at Jackson with another look of disbelief and confusion. "Are you breaking up with me?" She asked meekly.

"Dumping, actually. I'm dumping you." Jackson smirked as if he felt good about himself.

Lydia grabbed the sleeve of his leather jacket before he could walk away from her. I didn't listen in anymore and simply turned around, then slammed the door to my locker, grabbing my bag from the ground. As I turned around, I saw Lydia looking down the hallway, the way Jackson had just gone. Deciding not to say anything to her, I walked away.

After all, he'd left me for her and now he'd left her in belief that he'd actually become a werewolf.


Since Scott was planning to break into Allison's house today after school to steal her necklace, Stiles had invited me over to do some research and also to maybe do some homework, probably Chemistry or Math.

Stiles, the minute he walked into his bedroom, had thrown his backpack to the floor and plopped down in the chair by the desk on which his laptop was placed. I walked in causally and dropped my backpack on the bed, then turned around, only to see Derek hiding in the corner of Stiles' room, standing behind the door.

With two large steps, Derek managed to grab ahold of me and pulled me into his body, his hand covering my mouth. I stood with my back pressed his front and to say I was uncomfortable would be an understatement.

Stiles probably just assumed I'd sat down on his bed and began doing homework or checking my phone since he didn't say anything, but just typed on his laptop.

"Hey Stiles!" Sheriff Stilinski yelled.

"Yo, d-d-Derek." Stiles' eyes widened as he spun around in his chair and saw Derek standing, holding me so I wouldn't say anything.

Derek let me go and put his finger to his lips, motioning for Stiles to take care of his dad who was currently walking towards Stiles' bedroom. I jumped down on the bed and tried to act normal, as if Derek hadn't just broken into Stiles' bedroom.

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