𝟐𝟗. 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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date night


It turns out that it was Scott in the woods. He had told Allison he'd come to return her necklace that she'd forgotten at school (that he'd stolen from her bedroom) and that her father told him that sometimes Allison ran that route.

Lydia, Allison and I ended up not going shopping and rescheduling. As always, Lydia and I would prefer not to be around each other, but we were both close friends with Allison and so we had to tolerate each other.

I glanced up from my notebook as I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." I hollered.

Melissa opened the door and peaked her head in. "Hey,"

"Mom, you can come in." I smiled and put my notebook down, moving to the edge to the bed.

Melissa walked in and took a seat next to me. "So, I have to ask you something."

I nodded. "Go ahead."

"I have a date tonight and before you ask for his name, he's coming over later to pick me up." Melissa spoke quickly before I could interrupt. "And I came to ask if you'd help me do my makeup and my hair."

My eyes widened and a huge beam made its way to my face. "Yes, yes, yes!" I squealed happily and jumped off my bed. "Yes, I'd love to!"

Melissa got up with an excited smile. "Okay, good. I can't believe this is happening, maybe I should canc-"

I grabbed her hands and calmed her down, looking deep into her eyes that looked exactly like mine. "Mom, calm down," I laughed slightly. "It's gonna be okay. We're gonna make you look even more beautiful than normal and this guy will die when he sees you!"

"Well," Melissa grinned. "I hope he doesn't die when he sees me."

I rolled my eyes at Melissa's comment and ran a hand through my hair. "How do you want your makeup done, though?" I asked.

She shrugged slightly. "That's up to you. I trust you, Yasmine." She smiled.

A similar smile spread on my face and I made her sit down in the chair by my vanity as I rushed into her bedroom and grabbed the makeup purse in which she kept all of her makeup. I brought it back into my bedroom and closed the door after me, excited to do this.


I stepped back and smiled happily, nodding my head approvingly. "I'm finished." I said to Melissa.

I'd covered the vanity mirror and also any others mirrors, because I wanted to surprised her with how I'd done her makeup and hair. She'd been excited and so had I, and it'd been so easy to do her makeup since she didn't keep asking questions but just watched some different shows on the TV that hung on my bedroom wall.

Melissa's eyes widened in excitement. "Really?"

I nodded and turned her around so she was facing my large vanity mirror. I ripped the sheet off and let her see her own reflection. Knowing my mom didn't like heavy makeup looks, I'd just kept her makeup subtle and simple, but still beautiful. Her hair was tamed a little and pulled into a beautiful up-down hairstyle.

𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐝 ▷ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now