𝟐𝟎. 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬

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more people, more problems


As we ran away from the psycho Alpha chasing us, I was in the back. Wearing heels wasn't exactly my best idea, but if I'd known that my idiot brother and my idiot best friend were gonna pull shit like this, I'd worn some flats.

The Alpha's roars and growls were so extremely loud, especially since I was in the back and I was the person easiest to just grab, maim and kill right on spot.

Stiles pushed open a pair of blue double doors and all of us ran in, the boys slamming shut the doors. Immediately, Scott and Jackson began stacking chairs and pushing tables in front of the door.

"Scott, not here." Stiles said.

Even Allison and Lydia were speaking and they seemed freaked out, but my attention was on Stiles.

"Why not here?" I asked as I tightened my hold on my leather jacket.

Stiles gently grabbed my shoulders and made me turn around. I gasped when I saw that behind me were windows and I mean several feet with just windows. The Alpha could easily break in here and kill us all, but Scott and Jackson hadn't noticed that as they were too busy blocking the doors.

"Just help me!" Scott yelled as the two girls kept asking questions. "Stack the chairs."

"Guys?" Stiles yelled out, everyone besides him and I know stacking chairs in front of the double doors. "Just wait a second! You guys, listen to me! Can we wait a second?" He kept trying to get their attention and they kept ignoring him. "Guys? Stiles talking. Can we hang on one second, please?"

I sighed. "Fucking listen already?!" I yelled loudly, catching the attention of the four who'd blocked the doors.

Stiles thanked me silently and smiled at me before he returned his gaze to the two couples in front of us. "Okay, nice work, really beautiful job, everyone. Now, what should we do about twenty foot wall of windows?"

"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on because I'm freaking out here and I'd like to know why." Allison panted heavily, looking at Scott. "Scott?"

Scott moved away from her and tried to not think about the three people staring at him from behind. He glanced over at Stiles and I, both of us just as worried as him. We had no idea what to answer, because these three had randomly just been dragged into this whole thing and now we had to make sure that none of us died tonight, at the cost that they might discover the supernatural.

"Someone killed the janitor," Stiles began talking, his hand grasping mine tightly. "Yeah, the janitor's dead."

Allison laughed humorlessly. "What is he talking about? Is this a joke?" She asked looking to Scott like he would magically have all the answers to her questions.

Jackson looked around confusion. "What? Who killed him?"

"No, no, no, no, no! This was supposed to be over! The mountain lion-" Lydia panicked, her green eyes widening.

Jackson gazed at his girlfriend. "No, don't you get it?! There wasn't a mountain lion."

"Who was it?" Allison exclaimed. "What does he want?"

For some reason, I could feel myself getting annoyed. First, they'd shown up unexpectedly and we had to take care of them, but they kept pressuring us for answers -- which I kinda understood -- but it was getting annoying, because though we need the answers to most of these questions, we couldn't just tell them. We couldn't just tell them that an Alpha werewolf was on the loose in the school because he wanted Scott in his pack, Derek Hale was murdered by this Alpha and that he was probably gonna kill Scott, Stiles and I because Scott refused to be in his pack.

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