𝟐𝟒. 𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜

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My eyes had widened when I heard what Stiles had just said, but the biggest shock came when I saw the small smirk on Scott's face, almost as if he had won.

Stiles grabbed my arm and lead me out of the bedroom, leading me downstairs to the living room.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked Stiles the minute he let go off my arm. "Why would Scott make out with Lydia? And why would he lie to you about me?" I demanded answers.

Stiles sighed. "It doesn't matter what he said about you, Yasmine. All day, he's been acting weird, from knocking Danny to the ground to making out with Lydia in Coach's office." He told me with an angry look in his eyes, a look I'd never seen before. "And for so long, I was ignoring it, hoping that it was full moon but after seeing the way he was acting just minutes ago made me realize that he might do something tonight he'll regret."

I was baffled and had no idea what to say. I'd seen what the full moons had done to my brother early, but never had he acted so odd and it was also freaking me out. Just early today, he'd run out from a test and claimed that he was scared he might hurt someone, and now he was acting emotionless and stone cold, as if he didn't even care anymore.

Stiles grabbed a dog's water bowl from his bag and a bottle of water before he nodded for me to follow him up the stairs which I did. He walked right into Scott's bedroom. "I brought you some water." He poured the water into a drinking bowl for dogs, that had Scott's name on it, and placed it in front of the young werewolf, throwing the empty bottle onto the floor before he turned me around and made me walk out with him, well, until Scott threw the bowl at him and yelled something.

"I'm gonna kill you, both of you!" Scott yelled and threw the bowl at Stiles, some of the water hitting me as well.

Stiles took a deep breath before he suddenly turned around and walked right back into the bedroom that belonged to my brother. "You kissed her, Scott, okay?! You kissed Lydia, that's like the first girl I ever liked! And for the last three hours I've been thinking; it's probably just the full moon, y'know, he doesn't even know what he's doing, tomorrow he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been, a son of a bitch, a freaking, unbelievable, piece of crap friend! You even lied to me about Yasmine's feelings! You know how I feel about her and you know exactly how I am when it comes to her!"

"What?" I mumbled lowly under my breath, feeling utterly confused. What was happening? I understood Stiles was mad Scott had kissed Lydia, because he'd liked Lydia for so long and we both knew, but what had Scott had to Stiles about me?

"She kissed me," Scott suddenly said. "And I didn't lie."

Stiles looked absolutely heartbroken. "What?"

"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me." Scott repeated with a smug look on his face. "She would've done a lot more too." He stated as I followed Stiles out of the bedroom, leaning against the wall outside the bedroom. "You should've seen the way she had her hands all over me. She would've done anything I wanted, anything!"

As Stiles slid down the wall and sat down on the floor, I sat down right next to him and grasped his hand in mine, in a comforting way.

"What is he talking about?" I asked softly, not wanting to make things worse. "Stiles, what is he talking about?"

"Scott told me that you and Jackson were having an affair." Stiles finally told me, looking at me with a sorry look. "He told me that you and Jackson had been seeing each other again, but this time behind everyone's backs."

𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐝 ▷ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now