𝟏𝟐. 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭

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mountain lion alert


The door to my bedroom was opened and Melissa poked her head, a sweet motherly smile on her face.

"Hey mom," I turned to face her, removing my gaze from the laptop on my desk. "What's up?"

"I'm going to the parent-teacher conferences and I wanted to know if you wanted to join me." She told me and opened the door further. "It's okay if you don't want, sweetie. I just thought I'd ask."

I pursed my lips as I began wondering before I finally nodded. "No, I think I'll come with you if that's okay."

"Of course it is! I just need to go change out of my scrubs and take a quick shower, so meet me downstairs in fifty minutes?"


Melissa smiled before she closed the door and left again. I turned back to my laptop and was about to close the tab currently open: how to kill an Alpha werewolf. Sighing, I closed the tab and shut down my laptop, proceeding to stand up from the chair.

Knowing she was taking a shower in her own bathroom, I walked into the bathroom I shared with my brother and pealed off my clothes as I looked myself in the mirror, releasing my hair from the loose bun it was in before. Scott wasn't home and I honestly hadn't seen him all morning, not since he gave me a ride on his bike to school.

After taking a quick shower myself, I walked into my bedroom with a towel wrapped around my body, my black wet hair just hanging down my back. I decided to dry my hair first, so I blasted it with the hair dryer and smiled at the loose waves that appeared. I got dressed in a simple pair of jeans and then paired them with a crop top that I covered with a black cardigan and slid on a pair of UGG's. As I leaned down to pick up my phone, I saw the dark circles underneath my eyes, scaring even myself.

I didn't hesitate to sit down by my vanity and cover my entire face in foundation before I thoroughly began covering up my dark circles with a ton of concealer to make me look less scary and more alive. To look more awake, I ended up just applying some mascara and a little bronzer all around my face before also applying some light blush to finish it all. As I stood up again, I applied some chapstick to my lips before I rushed out of my bedroom.

By the time I made it down the stairs, I saw my mom checking her purse. I shrugged on my black trench coat and pulled on a red beanie. Melissa smiled at me and made me walk out to the car while she locked the house and made her way out herself.

"How're you doing now, Yas?" Melissa asked with a caring look on her face as we drove.

"I'm fine, mom." I tried to assure her with a small but very false smile.

Melissa sighed before she pulled into the side of the road, shooting me a look before I could ask why she stopped. "Yasmine, I'm your mother. I can see when you're lying to me and you just lied. I know what you went through was traumatizing, but I would never force you to tell me anything if you're not comfortable doing that." She told me and grabbed my hand, my nails grazing her knuckles. "I'm your mother and I'll never force you to do anything. Just know that I'm here if you want to talk and that you don't need to fake being fine to me."

"Thanks, mom." I replied, a genuine smile on my lips. "I really needed that. You always know just what to say."

Melissa smirked as she flicked her curly hair. "I know."

I let out a laugh as she began driving again, both of us laughing.


Melissa stood up as Mr. Harris motioned for us to enter. "This is Mr. Harris?" She whispered as he walked into the classroom and she picked up her purse.

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