𝟐𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫

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the alpha's prisoner


I fell to the floor and glanced up, the Alpha standing right above me, growling and panted hard. "Fuck."

The Alpha bent down slowly, nearing my face, making tears whelm up in my eyes and my breathing become harder and faster. "Stay quiet and I won't kill your friends." He stated in his deep, werewolf-ish voice and I swear that somewhere in his voice, something sounded familiar, like I'd met him before. "Scream and I will make you watch as I kill them all, tearing them apart with my teeth. Understand?"

I gulped and nodded nervously as he picked me up and carelessly slung me over his shoulder, his whole hairy body just making me cringe. I tried not to sob loudly as he walked up the stairs, the same way my friends had. He slammed open the door and walked into the hallway, knowing exactly which way to go.

As we neared a classroom, I could hear whispers and I knew the Alpha knew where my friends were hiding.

"Where's Yasmine?" Stiles' voice reached my ears as the Alpha stopped walking just a few feet away from the door, like he wanted me to hear them. "Where is Yasmine?!"

"She was just behind us," Allison spoke sadly as if she was crying. "I-I thought s-she was following us."

"We have to go get her!" Scott exclaimed.

I heard Jackson mumble a no. "We can't! If Derek has her and we go looking for her, he'll kill us too."

'Wow, thanks, Jackson. And here I hoped you might actually still care for me.' I thought bitterly as the Alpha placed me on the ground and grabbed my ankle in his hand.

"I care for her too, believe it or not." Jackson's voice reached my ears again, making me feel like I'd missed an important part of this conversation. "I dated her for months! I loved her!"

"You what?!" Stiles' and Scott's voice meshed together.

Allison sighed. "Can we talk about that later?! Right now, we have to figure out what to do! Derek cannot kill Yasmine!"

Suddenly, the Alpha began walking while dragging me behind him and as he dragged me, I placed a hand on my mouth so they wouldn't hear me and listened as their voices told each other to shut up before there was a clear silence from inside. The Alpha walked right by the classroom and kept dragging me down the hallway, and that's when I realized that he was playing them. Everyone in that classroom probably thought that they'd fooled the Alpha, aka Derek Hale to three of them, but what they didn't know was that the Alpha knew exactly where they were and he could kill them all whenever he wanted to.

He pulled me to my feet as we made it to a staircase. Like he knew I wouldn't even dare try to disobey him, he nodded towards the stairs. I walked down the stairs with him following me and the minute I made it down, he grabbed my arm and began leading me down the hallway again.

"Stop crying," he told me as he stopped walking. "Just stop it!"

Scared of him, I wiped away my tears and tried not to cry anymore as he growled and kept pulling me down the hallway. He slammed open two doors and made me walk in, his growling still just near my ear.

"Open the door." He ordered me as we stood in front of the locker door again. I opened the door and almost screamed when I saw the janitor lying on the flood; he was lying in his own pool of blood with slashes all of his face and body, and from some of the slashes, I was able to see his insides. I fell back towards the wall and covered my mouth as tears began rapidly streaming down my face.

𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐝 ▷ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now