chapter1 revised

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Photo of Lucas Williams.

Enjoy loves...

Britondii Luca pov

Deep in slumber, I groaned and rolled to the other side of the bed when I felt somebody shaking me lightly. I wasn't exactly asleep,asleep but I wasn't exactly awake and bubbly either. I was in the "just 5 minutes longer" stage of rest at current. I felt the disturbing shake again and drew the sheets tighter around me.

"Go away"I mumbled, my words a slur,exhaling in contentedness when the shaking stopped altogether.

"Brii!" My best friend and love of my life--just kidding Lucas Williams squealed jumping on my bed.

"Jesus Christ Lue" I grumbled throwing the sheets off my body in vexation. I swear that twenty four year old man was such a child many a time but he was my brother from another mother and I loved him endlessly.

"Boy do you know what time it is?" I growled, still not opening my eyes. Why was this man depriving me of my much needed sleep by bothering me so early? It couldn't have been past 6am.

"Yes biatch. Almost 9am." He replied and I could hear him smacking his lips together. My eyes contemporaneously flew open not even protesting at being exposed to the sudden brightness of the room.

"What!" I screamed and nearly wailed, shotting out of the bed. Literally shot out of the bed. Like a bullet from a loaded gun. I kid you not.

"What?" I once more screamed at Lucas who only looked at me and smirked. I gashed him in the face with one of my pillows. How could he be smirking at a time like this.

Today was the day I promised my self I was commencing the job hunting. About a month ago I dropped off application letters at several business places including the Monteiro Industries. But none had called me yet so I was going to do my other best. Which was job hunting. My funds had gone dry and I couldn't continue to free load off of Lucas and his longtime soul mate John. Yes my dark brown hair green eyed hot as sin best friend Lucas Williams whom I had lived with for years after the death of my parents in a car crash was an openly gay man. Loud and Proud. John was my other brother from another mother, he wanted to offer me a job at his hotel but I declined, for once I desired to do something for my self.

I should have been up and about in the city of Manhattan 2 hours ago. We had moved to a small area just outside of of Manhattan which I liked to call the city of opportunities when we started college 4 years ago and rented the apartment we had called home for those 4 years. It was small but it provided a roof over Lucas an I 's head while we attended NYU and back.

"Brii." Lucas said again and brought me from my reverie reminding me that I should head to the bathroom which I did,Lucas trailing after me.

I was starting to pull off my shirt when Lucas entered the bathroom and sat down on the toilet seat. By this time my shirt was already discarded and I was starting on my Pajama pants.

Despite the fact that no other man had ever seen my naked body, I was not shy or scared to be entirely bare in front of Lucas-- not because he didn't like the female goods but because we had been friends since childbirth. Not really since the day of our births , but still. We had seen each other nude countless times. Before I lived with them we were neighbours. So yea.

I was completely clotheless now and was about to enter the shower when he spoke for the first time after he had entered the bathroom.

"Hmmm" he started slowly, teasingly and I turned around to look at him eager and impatient to know what he was going to say. This boy was going to make me so late. "I guess you are not interested to know the secretary for the Monteiro Industries called this morning while you were asleep. You are have an appointment for an interview at 11 today. " he squealed in excitement.

"Yay"I screamed and jumped into my best friends lap not at all caring I could have broken the toilet seat. But still. Who cares? This was the freaking Monteiro Industries. One of the world's successful companies. At the age of just 31 Sebastian Monteiro the president and CEO built him self an empire. If I got the job as his personal assistant it would be such an achievement. Just the fact they had called me for an interview felt like such an accomplishment already.

"Lucas " I said pulling my long midnight black hair he was braiding from his hands. "What am I going to wear?". I had absolutely nothing to dress in for an interview at an esteemed establishment like the Monteiro Industries.

Chances are, I would even be questioned by the big boss himself. So I couldn't just go looking any way. What about dress to impress? What about your interview is only as good as your suit? Ok so maybe I made that up ,but still. I had nothing to wear. The job was as good as gone now. I ruefully admitted in my head.

"Brii stop over thinking " Lucas said,biting my arm and I squealed. I wasn't surprised he knew that. We were best friends.

"But Lue, I have nothing to wear." I confessed the subject of my thoughts sadly.
" baby just go shower. I got your clothes and hair covered." He confidently reassured.

Trusting him I rose from his lap and entered the shower.

After a quick "washing off"I egressed the bathroom and padded to my room.

When I got inside of my room the first thing I noticed were the clothes on my freshly made bed. Dark blue pencil skirt,a pink shirt and nude heels beside those were small golden button errings and a gold watch. I smiled at the outfit. God. Lucas had being my Savior so many times.

"Lue "I shouted after I got dressed and looked at my reflection in the mirror I was pleased. The outfit was perfect. Not too trashy not too ancient.

I gave Lue a koala hug when he entered my room and kissed his cheek. "Thank you baby"

"Stop wrinkling the blouse before you get to the interview. Bitch did you read the tag? This shit ain't cheap " he scolded--his curt words playful.

I just grinned. I didn't ask about the brand and I hadn't noticed the tag either. I didn't care much about brand names. Clothes were just clothes to me. I released him and did a little twirl so he could see how I looked. He whistled and gave me a high five "Bitch you slay" he complimented, winking and I embraced him another time. "Girl Sebastian is going to propose when he sees you. His play boy days will be vamoose,over,ta taa." My cheeks blazed when he said that and I punched his chest. I didn't have to worry about my boss in that way. The world knew Sebastian Monteiro only "dated" celebrities,models and actresses. Not plain Jane's like me.

Not even negligibly so.

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Mwah 😘😘

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