chapter 3 revised

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Photo of Mariano Di Vaio who plays Sebastian Monteiro.

Sebastian Monteiro pov

I downed the shot Scotch and hissed angrily. I swore beneath my breath. God knows I were agitated and tipsy and both simultaneous combinations of Sebastian Monteiro were definitely not a good blend.

My attitude rarely varied from that of an ignorant cave man but these damn women whom I had interviewed since the eighth hour of the  morning were as exasperating as fuck. Their attitude and outfits clearly screamed.

"I am here for the boss,screw the damn job".

One had plainly remarked " I may not have the qualifications for the position of your personal assistant in the office but I have all the qualifications to be your personal assistant in bed though" I had to offer her a bottle of water to drink but I was certain not even a river could quench her thirst. After the time I offered her the water I told her to get the fuck out of my building. It was good I had at all timed kept with me a bottle of liquor into the office. Or else I knew not in taking a drink of alcohol after nearly three hours of interviewing these useless women would take a toll on my sanity and God knows it were already barely holding.

I had never denied the truth that I was a ruthless play boy but I had never gone as far as to get involved with my employees. Hence the reason I was currently without a PA. Sabrina my last PA of almost 3 months was passing her place so I had to let her go. I was a respected business tycoon running an empire and I wasn't going to risk I or my company's reputation for some quick careless lay. I could see the headlines now. Business tycoon Sebastian Monteiro sexually involved with his employees.

I poured my self another glass of Scotch and turned my leather chair around so I was now facing the window which gave an excellent view of the city. I checked the time on my watch and saw it was minutes to 11. I hissed angrily again knowing I had another woman to interview now . She should be here soon. I should have ended the damn interviews after that damn irritating woman left.

"Sebastian" I heard the voice of Elaine come into the office. Elaine Rodriguez was the mother of my childhood friend Rafael who was also a business man like myself. And the wife of David my driver. They had practically raised me since after my fathers death while my worthless mother ignored her only son. It didn't matter to me that she did anyway, it disgusted and angered me when I was around her after I had learnt of what she did to my father. God knows I  detested that blasted woman.

I took another sip of my liquor and answered Elaine. "Yes Elaine"

"Sebastian have you even eaten? Still you are drinking. You know you shouldn't drink at the office in any case. " she scolded. I was used to Elaine scolding me she had been since I was a boy. She wasn't the one who birthed me but she was the one I considered as my mother. She didn't have to work for me as her son was a wealthy business man but she and David chose to. Despite my fucked up attitude. Despite me being so blasted ungrateful sometimes. They said they had to look out for me. They owed it to my father.

"Sebastian put that away," Elaine was saying. "Britondii Luca is here for her interview"

"Send her in" I grunted in reply. I heard her heels on the floor as she left the room and another set approaching the desk.

For an entire minute I heard the women at the front of my desk shuffling but not saying anything. I realised that she would not speak until I did.

"Are you going to stand there and drill holes in my head or are you going to sit down. Don't waste my time woman." I growled heavily annoyed . It was not my concern if I intimidated her. I was a busy man. These women had been wasting my time all morning and it was beginning to fuck with my head.

"Sorry " I heard her soft voice speak nervously. I don't know why but her voice had prodded me to turn around faster than I wanted to to see the face of the voice that had spoken. I drained the glass and turned the chair around. When I faced her,for a brief second I stared at her face. Her face had little make up and that was pleasing to the eyes.

Unlike the women who came before her with their face caked with foundation and heavy lipstick. My eyes drifted down to her body. The pencil skirt she wore complimented her body her hips immensely but so did her shirt. I wondered why I was taken up with her. Was I attracted to her? No. Yes.

I couldn't have been I just saw her also she wasn't nearly my type. I liked my women famous.

My eyes went back to her face and I could see her studying mine. Especially my lips and I smirked."sit down miss Luca"

Hee face flushed in embarrassment at being caught  and she nodded and claimed the chair awkwardly. It was almost cute.

She handed me an envelope which I knew contained her résumé.

"Her is my resume Mr Monteiro." She said still nervously and I smirked and took it from her. I don't know I felt so,so giddy knowing I was the one who made her so.

Its the alcohol Monteiro.

"Hmmm " I nodded as I read her résumé.

"Hmmm miss Luca. This says you are a graduate of the new York university and you have a degree in business management right?"

She cleared her throat and spoke,her voice still nervous but better than when she just came in."yes,that is correct Mr Monteiro "

Clearly . Its right there on the paper before you. Focus Monteiro.

"Miss Luca why did you apply for the position of my personal assistant? I am sure you have heard I am a very arrogant and ruthless man."

This time When she spoke her voice was firm and confident . "Mr Monteiro I applied for the position because  I have always dreamed of working in an esteemed company such as yours. Plus I have the qualifications and I need a job. I have also heard of your reputation but still you are the president of one of the worlds most successful business empires and I believe a stern attitude is understandable as you want the best for your company and in my opinion you do not get the best if you are "soft" or so to speak. "

I chuckled when she finished. I reckoned she just said that because she knew it was a good answer rather than her honest opinion. After all, who wanted to work with someone who had a fucked up attitude or who drank liquor more than water? The latter she did not know yet but she would find out soon enough. I would hire her as my PA. Elaine was right she was the one who would get the job. Then again Elaine was always right.

Even though I had made my decision.

Yea since she walked in. I know, I am you.

I decided to Challenge her with another question.

"Miss Luca you do know that will be very hectic and you will have a lot of tedious tasks to complete including fetching my coffee when ever I need it, organizing my files making my schedules appointments and so on. Yes ?"

Her answer was short. "Mr Monteiro, I am a very hard worker."

I smirked and extended my hand out to her as she held mine in a handshake.

"Welcome to the Monteiro Industrious miss Luca. Please ensure you are here at 7am tomorrow morning and be on time. Tardiness irritates me."

"Thank you. I will not disappoint you Mr Monteiro." She answered and smiled.

I wondered why I saw her face in my head even after she left.

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