Chapter 40 (part 2)

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

"Baby, I love you so much" Sebastian repeated and pulled me closer to his body, his grip around my waist almost painful.

"I love you too Sebastian " I said softly and dragged my fingers through his thick dark mane.

Maybe I shouldnt have let him know of my intentions. Maybe I should have just left. The loneliness was terrible but the fearful look in his eyes just now pained my heart more.

Girl shut up my subconscious snapped, crossing her legs angrily.

"God knows miss Luca even when I try my best not to fuck up I still end up doing see but I swear baby I will try my damnedest to be the man you deserve if I have to appoint a CEO for Monteiro industries because hell would have to freeze over before I let you leave me"he growled and latched his lips onto mine.

I smiled against His lips at his words. Maybe I had been a tiny bit naive to just fall for them after all of those times he had made promises but they remained just that promises. But still the sincerity shining like the sun in his gem green eyes told me that this time I could trust them.

"I love you " he growled and I moaned when he bit my lip.


When I awoke hours later the first two things I noticed simultaneously instantly were 1. The bedrooms light had come on indicating night had fallen 2. I was alone in the bed.

Sebastian left?

"Sebastian" I called getting up. I started walking towards the door but as I reached the middle of the room I kicked an object and stumbled. Looking down my eyes rested on a medium sized gift box wrapped in a white fabric with black polka dots and tied with a large velvety red bow. As I looked closer I saw the heart shaped card attached to it. I knelt down and opened the card and on the inside was Sebastian's signature scrawl looking almost like a doctors. Obviously the gift was from him,even if there was no card.

For you my queen.

I giggled like a school girl and impatiently began unwrapping the gift,eager to see what was inside. It wasn't strange for me to get gifts from Sebastian but those were "I'm sorry" gifts. This wasn't.

"Oh" I exhaled softly when I removed the lid from the box exposing the dark red velvety cushioned interior. It consisted of a Long sleeved white dinner dress dress with the back bare just my style and a pair of red Louboutin high heels it's lovely also a silver clutch OMG it's beautiful. I put those on the bed and looked at the smaller gift in the box. It was a small gold pouch which when I opened I saw it housed a red Mac lipstick and a small black box which when I opened revealed a pair of studded diamond earrings sitting on the little white cushion. I put that also on the bed and sat on the edge and stared at all the clothes, neatly on the bed, admiring them. Wondering if I should try them on now.

The loud ringing of my phone startled my thoughts, shattering the silence of the room.

"Hello" I answered forgetting to look at the caller.

"Hello baby did you like your gift? "Sebastian's deep voice came over the line.

"Yes baby. Thank you"

"Good. Go get dressed" he commanded and the line went dead.


Just as I finished gotten ready and had applied the last touch of lipstick I spotted Sebastian's reflection walking in the bathroom with his hands behind him concealing something. I gasped softly at how dashing he looked in a dark close fitting suit, the jacket opened, a white bottom down shirt under it and a red bow tie. He had on a pair of shine, black leather shoes- his favourite kind. I stared him up and down and bit my lipsticked bottom lip. I was probably drooling but who cares he was mine. It was my right to stare and drool.

Possessive now aren't we?

I watched as Sebastian's lips turned up into a cocky smirk as his eyes raked over my body.

"My woman is a goddess"

"My man is a god"

"Close your eyes my queen" he whispered. I obediently complied and felt him place something atop my head like a... crown?.

"Open your eyes baby"

I opened my eyes and felt my eyes tear up when I saw the beautiful silver crown embedded with gems sitting on the top of my head.

"Thank you" I whispered and he wrapped his strong arms around me.

"You are a queen baby" he said his voice thick with emotion.

He chuckled. "I just want to take you right now. Rip this sexy dress off you wrap my hand around your ponytail hair and kiss you until all the  lipstick is gone from your lips. But for now I will behave"

I rubbed my palm on his tenting crotch and said slyly in his ear. "What if I don't want you to behave?"

Yay. Confidence, girl.

Sebastian cleared his throat obviously affected. "I'm a dangerous man miss Luca, stop tempting me."

"Now take my arm my little seductive temptress"

"Sebastian" I murmured when the elevator stopped and we stepped out and into his parking lot. I looked at the stretchy white limousine and the man dressed in the black tuxedo standing beside it.

"Baby your carriage awaits" Sebastian spoke on an English accent and I giggled.

"Good evening sir,ma'am" the man bowed and attempted to opened the limo door.

"Let me" Sebastian said quickly and opened the door, helping me inside even though I could perfectly do it solo. I gazed around the interior the vehicle, it was beautiful. A fully stocked bar a little glass table before us that had small bowl a different types of delicacies . There was also a large smart tv. The dark screen separating us from the driver was drawn,shielding us,hiving us privacy.

"I can't wait to make you officially mine miss Luca " Sebastian deadpanned coming closer to me.

I felt my face warm at his admittance. Officially his? We were already living together already made love. What had he meant? Marriage? I could come up with no other reasoning. Officially his? Marriage?

Oh God.

This is just a half of the chapter. I am not feeling too well right now so I had to stop the typing here. Sorry 😞.

I love you.

Tempting The Billionaire Book1✔(Slowly Revising)Where stories live. Discover now