chapter 27

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Thank you @Tiger1888 for the cover babe. Mwah.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many errors. Some things may even not add up

Sebastian Monteiro pov

A throbbing pain in my hand caused my eyes to open. I rubbed my temples because my head was pounding. I was in my office I had noticed. I looked down at my stinging left palm and remembered what happened last night. The wound had become dark over night. "Fuck!" I bellowed. I had hit Britondii . Last night I had acted like a jealous fool. I had taken my jealousy out on her when she did not even know how I had felt about her. I had no reason to be jealous. But I was and I had hit her because of that.

I had seen my father. It was the first time he had revealed him self to me since his death sixteen years ago. Or was it just the unconscious imagination of a man who needed his fathers advice?

Today was the day Britondii and I were supposed to announce to the media of our relationship. I had told her it was best for her but the truth was I did it for me I wanted that boy and the world to know that Britondii Luca was mine. Mine.

Shit. I ran my good hand through my hair in desperation. I can took my phone from my pocket and checked the time. 7:30 am. To hell with the press meeting, I needed to find Britondii. I needed to let her know how fucking sorry I was for hurting her and that I loved her so damn much. I needed to let her know I wanted to be with her for real this time.

I got up and rushed to my bathroom. I washed my face and cleaned my teeth. I considered taking a shower but decided against it. It was not yet 8 but a shower would take time, time I didn't have. I needed to get to Britondii, I just hoped it wasn't too late. I hoped that boy didn't get to her before I did.

I tried my best to clean the wound with antiseptic as best as I could and bandaged it. it should be handled by a professional But that would have to wait. Getting to Britondii was more important.

I yelled and kicked my white SUV when I tried for the forth or fifth time to open the door but the key fell from my hands. I was as nervous as a little bitch. Fuck was I so nervous about going to see Britondii for anyways? I was Sebastian Monteiro one of the worlds hottest and wealthiest bachelors and she was only Britondii Luca. The woman you are in love with.

Is Sebastian Monteiro the ruthless businessman afraid of being rejected for the first time? Because if the woman he loves reject him, he may do what daddy did. Right? A sarcastic little voice in my head taunted.
"Well fuck you too" I shouted sighing deeply with relief after the car door finally opened. I tried to convince my self I was not affected my the thought but I was. What if she told me to Fuck off? What would I do then?

On the way to Britondiis apartment I realised I didn't know what I would sat to her when...if I saw her.

The man who can freestyle a speech at any time is worried he won't know what to say to the women he loves? How fucking pathetic. How hard is it to apologise and confess your feelings? She may spit in your face and slam the door. But hey you tried right?

I ignored the voice and and practised my speech.

Britondii I know you hate me right now and you probably should but I don't want you to. Call me selfish if you may but it's just that I love you so damn much Miss Luca. Its just that I got so fucking jealous jealous when you kept mentioning that boy. Baby I'm so sorry for hurting you. Please give me the chance to prove how much you mean to me and how sorry I am. Please.

Really Sebastian? That was the best you could come up with? That was as petty as Fuck.

I growled and shook my head. I would just say to her the truth when I get to her even if I made a fool of myself and she saw how genuine I was. It would be worth it.

As I pulled up in Britondiis parking lot,I started to get nervous all over again. My unbandaged palm was sweaty and my throat was dry.

You are 31 years old for God 's sake Monteiro stop acting like a fool.

"Fuck" I cursed. I came here to bare my soul to Britondii and I did did not even think to bring at least a damn bouquet of flowers or some expensive chocolate. I only came here with my fucking pathetic self. Jesus Christ. If I was so bloody disgusted with my self what did I expect Britondii to think of me?

Then I heard Rafael's voice in my head.

You are new to this love thing Sebastian give yourself a break at least you have made the first step. Just go do what you have to do.

At that thought I exited the vehicle.

I knocked on Britondiis apartment door and heard impatient steps rushing towards it. The steps weere hasty. Maybe Britondii was expecting somebody else. Was she expecting that boy? I frowned and clenched my fists at that thought. Then I remembered she wasn't mine to claim or be possessive over. I fucked up any changes I had with her when I used my hands on her. Maybe that boy was a better man for her than I. Maybe he deserved her more than I did. Maybe I should just leave the damn woman alone. I felt something I never thought a man like me would ever feel. Insecurity. I wanted to walk away and go back to my penthouse and drink myself to unconsciousness but before I could move the door opened and a fist connected with my jaw.

Poor Sebastian.
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