chapter 17 revised

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Hello lovelies,

Britondii Luca pov

"I dare you to again utter my name Miss Luca"the sound of my boss' dark, anger coated voice as if it were my mantra tautingly replayed itself in the ears of my mind.

In my dreams, I bit much lip.

Why me?

Why him?

Slowly, testingly I opened my eyes to the sound of my best friend's voice. He along with his lover had been speaking with the doctor. They were, I think, discussing my health or something similar. I couldnt be too sure as I had just awaken hence my ears were still half asleep.

Finally, when my eyes opened fully, I realised the men were closer to my bed then I had imagined. Literally. However, they were so engrossed in their discussion, even seconds after I woke up, none noticed.

"Good morning" I greeted them ,my voice lazy, slightly groggy. Lucas almost instantly was at my side, on the bed beside me. It was a good thing it was larger normal than the normal hospital beds or else my friend would be lying atop me.

"Morning snoogums boogums"he kissed my forehead. "Did you sleep well? "

I nodded my answer, yes and kissed his jaw.

The two other men also wished me a good morning and the doctor went on to speak. "It is good that you have had a good night's rest Britondii. Are you in any discomfort. Any pain? No? Great. It seems that you are ready to go. I will now explain about your medication. " he pointed to a small bag on the table beside me.

I drank only a half glass of the warm milk brought in by the nurse Bruce after promising her I would get a healthy breakfast on the way home.

Nurse Bruce had not compelled me to eat the porridge or the sandwich she had brought. Hospitals, whether they were the private or public ones, the food was just horrid, gross.

After I was dressed, by Lue Boo of course who was behaving with me as if I were disabled, we finally bade good by to the room.


"The bill has been cleared? By whom? "John questioned the heavily powdered face secretary who blushed profusely as she eyed the two handsome men.

Currently we had stopped at her desk to pay the bill however she had been adamant it was already taken care of.

Who had done the kind act? Even more so even before I was discharged. Deep down though I knew it could only be one person. But why?

Was it his way of insulting me?

Or did he think without him it wouldn't be paid? I didn't need his charity.

"Sir"said the girl. She sounded tired, frustrated. "I cannot disclose the individuals name as I was instructed not to."

The quiet man shook his head "what was the price of the bill? "

The girl exhaled deeply but finally she did as we requested and John paid her. Leaving the girl flustered and confused.


Stopping only twice to get gas then food, we finally arrived At our apartment parking lot .

Lue and I exited the sleek white Audi motor vehicle, surprised when John also did the same.

"Baby, I thought you had an urgent meeting. Why are you coming in? "Lucas asked as at the same time he dragged his boyfriend to our floor.

John laughed At his lovers antics and I giggled. I really fangirled the two. They were perfect for each other. God knows they were.

"Let me get this straight babe, you ask if I haven't a meeting and yet you are pulling me to your door. You really want me to stay don't you? "

He pulled Lue into his arms and grinned as his cheeks grew blood red.

"I had already called and instructed the manager to handle the meeting. Don't you want that? " I laughed as Bro pouted.

I snickered At John's teasing and my friend's embarrassment and ran to the door opening it, leaving John to playfully taunt the love of his life.

Inside of my room, I laid on the bed and connected my dead phone to it's charger. Powering it on, I noticed the many missed calls and messages from Travane. Ignoring them all, I opened the Temple Run Oz game and began playing. All of this I did to distract my self from the maddening pound of my heart.

I only realised I was crying when a drop of tear fell on the screen of the phone. The tears fell for different reasons including shame. The master plan I had for making Sebastian want me had backfired.

Was that karma?

I cried because he classed me as a whore and still I wanted to prove to him I wasn't.

I was a fool, wasn't I?

Why was I even crying over spilled milk? I was pathetic.

A few knocks sounded on my door and I called, "come in" knowing it was John as Lucas never knocked.

"Hey sis " he greeted, sitting on the bed beside me. "How are you feeling? "

Rather than replying, my head fell heavily on to his strong chest as I wailed miserably.

Bro said nothing instead he rubbed my back and kissed my hair"

"Oh my fucking God" the shrill screech of Lucas' frightened voice caused John and I to flee the bed and rush to his room.

Lucas was standing rigidly, his face ashen white as he watched with wide eyes the screen of his large smart tv.

Stiffly he pointed to it. I almost fainted when I realised what it was, he was watching.

On the entertainment news programme was a photo of Sebastian Monteiro and myself. I was limp in his arms and he was holding me bridal style in the lobby of the hospital I was a patient up to 2 hours ago.

John's disgruntled low curse released,freed me from my trance. The reporter Wendy was saying.

".....all attempts to contact the business tycoon has remained futile. CELEBRITY NEWS will however continue to try as I am sure the world wants to know if Sebastian Monteiro is now off the market cause I'm sure if he is, it will cause the heart break of thousands of females world wide. "

"Oh my god of the gays" Lucas screamed falling back on to his large bed. "Some one from that hospital must have snapped the image then sold it to those gossip hungry beasts. I hope the paparazzi doesn't find out who you are and haunt you babe"

John shook his head wistfully at his boyfriends words while I stood still, mute.

Why was this happening to me?

So I was until the phone in my hand beeped signalling the arrival of a new message, when I viewed it the cellular device fell heavily from my hands.

Bitch I no were u live. Stay the fuck a way from Sebastain Monteiro. If I even fuckin dreem of u tryna get with him, I will fuck u up. I no u fucked him 2 b were u r now bak off. U chaep bitch. Leave Sebastain a lone bitch. He is mines. Conceder ur self warned Britondi Luca.

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