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I wanted to update this sooner but unfortunately it did not happen. Sorryy


This chapter is not edited there will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Sebastian Monteiro pov

I leaned back heavily into the cushioned leather seats and closed my eyes, distractedly toying with the peice of Jewellery - miss Luca's engagement ring, on the fine gold chain around my neck. After a few short seconds, I opened them and stared impassively at the building before me. Exhaling deeply I absently continued to study the pale white structure. From the outside,it appeared as a normal uninteresting studio but on the interior it was far from just a boring place painted in a tedious white. This building was almost like a hospital,somewhat. A mental institution. Not exactly but still it was a place for men like me. Men whose most dominant emotion was anger. Men who ate,slept,pissed and shitted alcohol. Kind of like an asylum you know?

Before miss Luca, I had never in my wildest imagination reckoned I had an issue with uncontrollable anger or that I had a drinking problem. I was merely a man who enjoyed his liquor and who couldn't stand nonsense. But three weeks ago,when she left me threatening I would never again lay eyes on her or Sebriina. When I had regained soberness I recalled all of the times I had become extremely infuriated because of trivial misunderstandings, how i behaved with the woman I loved I deduced then it had not just been regular anger. Looking back at my behavior it was as if a stronger power consumed me and if I didn't obey its bidding and reacted outrageously, I would lose my sanity. That had made it clearly obvious I was in need of help and I had not been too proud to seek it because reuniting with my family depended on it.

I exited the car and leaned against it. Checking the time on my watch I realized I had been a few minutes early for my 10 o clock meeting. And for the second time that morning and about the millionth see once she left me, I dialled wifey. Unsurprisingly as she had made it painstakingly clear since that night she was done with me the phone rang until it reached the voicemail. It was a wonder to me how she hadn't changed her number after all my calls and messages. I think it kind of encouraged me. Still, I sighed exasperatedly and listened the recording. It was the only time I got to hear her sweet angelic voice.

Hey it's Britondii ,obviously she chuckled softly the sound soft and alluring. Her laugh was really a beautiful sound and I missed it. Badly.
Im sorry about missed your call but yea I have a child now so I hardly use my phone anymore. Leave a message and if I deem it as important. I will call you back as soon as possible. I guess she hadn't found my messages enthralling. Did she even listen them?
Say bye Sebriina. Sebriina. My daughter. Whom I loved. There was a slight pause then a giggle. How beautiful.
Sebriina says bye.

She sounded so happy so cheerful as if her life with just the two of them was perfect. Without me. I was not surprised if it was but the thought was like a dagger in my heart. I couldn't help but wonder if I ever crossed her mind. Anytime. Probably not. Why would she be thinking about me? The devil who had done her so much wrong. Maybe her leaving me was the best thing she had ever done. For her. For our daughters. For me.

" hey it's me." I started shakily,my breathing heavy,labourer as if I had just run a Marathon.
"Baby I'm so sorry." Apologies again. "I miss you and Sebriina so much miss Luca. My little girl must have gotten so big by now. " I chuckled sadly and my eyes became blurry , filled with tears. "Baby I'm getting help. Right now I currently have therapy but I am a bit early so I called you. I can't stop thinking about you. I know you despise me and you probably should. But baby im getting the help I need so I can become a better man,a fitful father and lover. So that we can be a family again. I love you and Sebriina so much baby." I ended the recording, tears shamelessly pouring from my eyes.

Tempting The Billionaire Book1✔(Slowly Revising)Where stories live. Discover now