chapter 14 revised

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Sebastian Monteiro pov

Silently, I watched miss Luca laying on her side her eyes closed, but the steady breathing told me she was awake.

Though I had covered her with a blanket her body still shook.

I licked slowly my lips resisting the overwhelming urge to kiss her. I willed the hardness straining against the front joggers to go down.

Was it even damn normal for s man to be as strongly aroused for a woman who was ill and shivering.

Only you, Monteiro.

"Miss Luca" i forced , my voice low and trembling almost with unbridled lust. Though I had spoken the words had not come willingly. They were torn from my throat.

"Yes" the beauty in my bed answered, her voice soft , opening her eyes revealing the beautiful blue gems as she sat up, facing me.

All thought of rationality forgotten, I hungrily stared at her flawless face certain she could witness the lust in my eyes.

My gaze drifted to her lush pink mouth and God knows I could have sworn precum leaked from my cock when she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

The action was a simple, innocent one but none the less every time I witnessed her do so, dangerous thoughts festered themselves in my mind.

"Miss Luca" the sound was a low hiss as I neared my lips to hers. I tasted her sweet lips and heard her soft moan. Her eyes closed as she went limp in my arms.

"Miss Luca" I shook her slightly. No answer.

A ferocious low growl left my lips. "Damn it Miss Luca. This is not funny. Stop playing and answer me. " Still she was unresponsive.

She is not playing, clown.

"Damn it Miss Luca" frustratedly I ran my hand through my hair. Why did she have to faint now, here?

My body and senses stilling, I stared almost trance fixed at the unconscious woman in my arms feeling as helpless as the day at 15 years of age, when I had returned home from school and had gone out into the back yard only to witness my father's lifeless body hanging from a tree. An developed was taped to his forehead ,block letters written on the white paper it is better this way son. The letter on the inside of the went on to reveal he could not continue living know he could not make my mother happy. That she found her satisfaction in the arms and beds of other men. That had taken his life before he tightened the noose around his neck.

Then and there my hatred for her had multiplied. I had always detested the woman the bitch who birthed me. She was never a good mother. She treated my father poorly and had very little respect for him. Still my father loved and adored her with everything he was and owned.

Even at his funeral, the shameless woman had not shed even a single drip of tear. I had promised my self but also my deceased father I would never repeat the mistake he had. No woman would ever be loved by Sebastian Monteiro. And till the day the breath left my body, I swore I would keep that promise.

The ringing of my phone brought me from my painful reverie. The memory I had buried at the back of my mind.

I viewed the called ID. David.

Fuck. David. My driver.

"David where are you? Come to the penthouse now. "

Before he could utter a response I ended the call and placed my hand on miss Luca's forehead. She was burning up. The rest of her body was just as hot.

"Damn it miss Luca " I grunted pushing the lose tendrils from her face, tucking them behind her hair.

A few short minutes later, i heard David's incessant rapping on the bedroom door. I lifted miss Luca.

"David get the car ready"


We arrived at the hospital and entered. Instead of rushing to Miss Luca's aid, there was an uproar of of giggles and squeals.

It's Sebastian Monteiro.

Angrily, I growled before barking. "I need a damn doctor. " Had they suddenly gone blind that they failed to see I was carrying an unconscious woman?

Seconds later, a host of doctors appeared, one had already taken Miss Luca from my arms and was laying her on the stretcher.

"I need her in the best room in this place. And I suggest you teach the loose female employees, this is a hospital not a whore house. " I informed the tall bald African American doctor who seemed the head.

They rushed to the room with Miss Luca, I followed.

"Mr. Monteiro you are not to come into the room now sir. After we are through assessing the patient then you may" the young doctor trembled as he attempted to bar my entry.

My teeth clenched clenched in anger, I roared" do you know who the fuck I am boy? Get the hell out of my sight. "Pushing him roughly aside I entered the air conditioned room.

Seating myself on the large white leathered couch I took miss Luca 's hand in mine, raising it to my lips I kissed it.

A throat cleared. "Mr. Monteiro"I turned my head to see the bald black doctor standing, a clipboard in one hand his pen in the next. "Sir I am going to request you spare us a minute"

I chuckled and shook my head. I would be damned if I left miss Luca in a room alone with another man.

"Mr. Monteiro please" his tone was now pleading.

"No, do whatever it is that you must. I will not leave this room. " my voice firm, dismissing.

"Sebastian please" I heard miss Luca 's soft tired whisper. As if my neck were a magnet to her voice, I turned to face her.

Rubbing my thumb across her knuckle I shook my head.


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Merry Christmas


I love you.

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