chapter 28

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Photo of Christian Gray. You will meet him in this chapter. Wink. Wink.

I do not own this photo.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

As soon as I heard the girls excited squeal. I wasted no time. I stood up from the couch grabbed my suitcase and hastily walked yo the door. I would not deal with this. I could not. I came to this damn place to escape memories of Sebastian and here I was been outed as his girlfriend.

Ignoring the customers piercing stares drilling holes in to my back I opened the door and went outside. I didn't know to where I was going but I kept on walking down the busy street. I was starting to regret leaving home. Damn you Sebastian Monteiro.

I took my off of the street for a second to look down at the time on my watch when a fleeting passerby bounced me harshly which caused me to lose my balance by the sudden trauma and I felt my self stumbling forward but strong arms steadied me.
"Don't worry, I've got you" the deep rich British accent of a male promised. I looked up at the face of the man who had spoken. I almost gasped at how handsome the man in the shades was. He was dressed in a dark blue suit with fine white stripes and a red tie and black dress shoes. His slightly long brown hair and facial hair only added to his handsome face. He removed his glasses to reveal grey eyes. He cleared his throat and I realised I was staring at him. I quickly averted my eyes from his face.
"Thank you I would have broken my forehead if you hadn't helped me I said smiling nervously. I didn't know why I was nervous. It wasn't as if I was attracted to the handsome stranger who had rescued me from what could have been a nasty fall.

"You are welcome 'he said and took up my suitcase from the ground. I had not even realised it had fallen when the passerby hit me.

"Oh you don't mind me holding your bag no?"he asked in his hot accent and I shook my head.
"Im Christian Gray by the way."he extended his free hand.
I laughed softly and raised my brow. Christian Gray was the man from the movie Fifty Shades of Gray.
"I get that look all the time when people find out that's my name. I have never even seen the movie. I kid you not" he chuckled.

"Ok then" I and shook his hand. "Britondii Luca "
"Okay so you maybe wondering why is a man dressed the way I am walking the street Yea." He looked at me and grinned. "Well I'm the CEO of the England based company Grays Games. I came here to visit my family who reside here Yea? My younger brother who is a tool dragged me out of the house and told me we were going to buy something for grand mum Yea? And then when we came here he left me here and went away bringing the car and everything. I called him he said I should find somebody to show me around. Can you believe that lad Britondii?"

"Well that's not so bad" I laughed. "Could have been worse"

"Britondii would you like to grab a cup of tea?" He asked.

"Sure I would like that but I'm travelling with a suitcase so I have to pass"I said reluctantly. I was reluctant because I really needed a break and two I was afraid of being recognised by another person as Sebastian's girlfriend which would cause Christian to feel uncomfortable. I knew I just met him but still.

"So what if I get somebody to get your bag for you until we have finished our tea?"He asked hopefully.

"Then I would have to say yes" I agreed.

You don't know him Britondii. He could be a damn killer.

Yea. But still.

"But who?"I wondering. He was obviously new here like I was. So who would he get to watch my bag? I asked my self.

"You'll see " he smiled. "Excuse me."

He took his phone from his pocket and dialled a number. He turned his head away from me but I was still able to hear his one sentenced conversation.
"Come here"was all he said and tucked the phone into his pocket. After he turned his attention back to me. He said "that was my body gaurd he is coming to take your bag. He is standing a little behind us. "
I looked in the direction he motioned to with his head and sure enough a bulky man dressed in black plain clothes was walking towards us.

"That's so corny" I laughed at Christians antics. We were currently sitting in a cafe me having coffee and him peppermint tea. He was telling me some of the pick up lines he made up in middle school. I almost fell off my chair in laughter when he shot up from his seat and walked over to where I sat then did a fancy twirl and said in a very bad impression of an American accent. "Babe if I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together. By this time I had tears running down my face and Christians and I playfulness had caught everyone's attention. Some where even laughing also. I swear this man was too funny. I almost couldn't believe I had just only known him an hour.

Christian sat back into his seat and his face grew serious. "Britondii may I say something?"
I nodded. " of course Christian." Noticing how serious his voice sounded.

His deep voice had dropped so low I almost had to lean forward to hear what he was saying.
"Britondii" he said again as if to confirm if I really wanted to hear what he had to say.
"Hmmm Hmmm" I hummed and nodded indicating for him to continue.

" Britondii the bruise beneath your eye isn't covered properly." He deadpanned and I gasped silently. But didn't really offer a reaction to reveal anything.
He continued. "I've also noticed you are travelling with a suitcase. Is anything the matter ? has any one hurt you? " concern was evident in his deep English accent. But why was he concerned? We only just met. I wondered to my self. As if sensing my thoughts he spoke again.

"Britondii I would like to be your friend. If you are worried I'm see one kind of scam artist and not who I say I am I can prove it to you. Please let me help you"

I shook my head. "I believe you Christian." I did believe him. "My best friend who I live with and I got into a cat fight hence the small bruise beneath my eye." I lied. "I decided to leave until we both cool off. So now I'm here looking for an apartment and a job." At least this much was true.

"Hmmm" he said. It was obvious he did not quite believe me but he let that slide.
"Im here for a month visiting my relatives who moved here from England. How about we go looking for the apartment and the job together? " he said getting up from his seat and held out his hand to take mine.

"Id like that " I smiled.

Maybe things wouldn't be so bad here.

Cause Britondii needs a break. She has been through so much already. What do you think of Christian so far?

Vote and comment.

Love ya.


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