chapter 8 revised

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Photo of Nick Bateman who plays Travane Charles.

Britondii Luca pov

I entered the apartment, a wide grin plastered on my face one which had been present since I collected my pay check.

I had almost fainted when I saw the amount, I checked it more than one time to ensure my eyes were working properly; they were.

I had heard the Monteiro Industries paychecks were hefty but seeing was believing and that I had.

I rushed into my best friend's room and as usual, he was laying casually in his bed with his Golden headphones on, listening to music. I swear that boy lived too easily. John had spoiled him rotten. Whenever I teased them about it, John's reply would be, "you know what they say sis , a wife's place is in the home. "

"Lucas, " I shouted and slapped his bare arm.

"Bitch" he yelled pulling his headphones off and throwing them down on his unmade bed. "If you continue doing that I will beat your ass one of these days. "

"You like beating ass don't you? " I retorted smirking and he grinned.

"I must say I do. How was your day? " he sat up leaning against the headboard.

"As usual, my boss is an imbecile. " I told him, frowning. Since I began working for Sebastian the man had made his dislike for me clear. It was a wonder i wasn't already fired. "I got paid today so were are going out. My treat babe. " it was good to be doing something for my friend once. "But first we have to find something for me to wear to our dinner date. " i took the check from my bag and brandished it before his eyes. Lucas grabbed it.

"Twenty five hundred dollars Brii. Wow. All I can say is that man wants you "

I bit my lip then smiled. " the company is a multi billion dollar one Lue, it is no surprise the employees are well paid. And the day my boss even likes me as an employee much less want me Romantically will be the day hell freezes over. Now, get your ass off the bed and pick out something for me to wear." I slapped him again and he bared his pearly whites and jumped off the bed.


We searched all of clothes and we found that I had absolutely nothing fit to wear for a celebratory dinner. At least I was fine with whatever I had found, it was my best friend who was entirely against them hence why we had gone out to shop quickly for something. It was good his majesty had allowed me to leave the office earlier than usual. The extra time had come in handy.


Lucas brushed my hair a final time then said. "There you go Brii, all done. "

We both stood before the mirror and admired our reflection. I had to give it to Lucas we looked great. Decked out in blue Dashiki and skinny jeans but where as while I wore my heels he, Forever21 flats.

We were not attired traditionally for dinner in a fancy restaurant and like my friend said different was good.

"Girl we slay" giggled Lue and we high fived.

"Why are we dressed similarly again? " I teased and he grinned, " because best friends dress the same when celebrating one of thems first paycheck. "

I hugged my friend and kissed his cheek, if the world had more people like him with such a kind honest heart, it would be a better place.


We arrived at the restaurant, the Pegamax at exactly 7pm. The time for the reservation we had made.

"Goodnight sir, ma'am " smiled the host dressed to the bone in a fancy silk gold long sleeved shirt and black slacks. I was surprised by how lowly he bowed before us, his head almost touching the tiled floor.

"Reservation for Luca please" I smiled and he checked the golden writing pad in his hand and bowed a second time. Gosh. "This way please. "


"How do you like it here? " Lucas asked once we settled at our table on the balcony browsing through the golden menu card.

It was difficult to secure a reservation here in such a short space of time so Lucas had his well known boyfriend do it for us and it was done.

I smiled and answered his question.

"It is very nice. Thank you for choosing it. "

"Goodnight sir ma'am, my name is Henry and I will be your server for the night. " a tall African American waiter dressed similarly to the host except for the missing bow tie approached our table and bowed. "Are you ready to order? "

"Yes we are. I will have the fish broth then the roasted corned pork and  mashed potatoes. My friend had suggested I try the pork and I had listened to him.

"I will have the same. " Lucas smiled and Henry bowed a second time. "Very well sir, ma'am "

I looked to the left and noticed a man looking at Lucas and I.

"Lucas" I touched his hand. " isn't that Travane Charles? The guy I liked in college? "

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