chapter 46

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I am sorry..... I am sorry

This chapter is not edited. There will be many many mistakes. Some things may even not ads up.

Britondii Luca pov

I opened my eyes slowly, squinting around the well lit white hospital room, realizing I alone with another person, a young nurse who kept glancing at me then smiled awkwardly when my blue eyes met her grey ones,were the only adults in the room.

Where was Sebastian? My friends? Where was everyone else?

My gaze landed on the white crib embedded with jewels,mostly diamonds, beside my bed, I immediately noticed that only one child was sleeping on it. However, I had not been alarmed. Sebastian was missing and so was my child. Obviously he had taken our child.

I had spent hours in labour but I was delivering my children, my bundles of joy, that have made the pain bearable. Immensely so. When my daughter, baby Sebriina was born and I had seem her my love for her increased ten folds.

Thoroughly exhausted and beyond all my control, I had fallen deeply asleep directly after the birth of my second child after only getting a glimpse of it, but I slept with a light heart,my baby would be ok. Their father and my best friends were there with me. They would keep them safe.

"I want to hold my baby. Please?" I said kindly to the nurse, my smile wide.

Where is Sebastian? I need to see my child.

Its his child too.

"You're beautiful"I murmured kissing my sleeping beauty's forehead. Even though she was born just hours prior,her beauty was undeniable. Jet black hair much like her father's and I's lay flattened on her head and the top of her forehead,long, dark lashes framed her closed eye lids,her small nose was pointy and her lips pink and pouty. Indeed my daughter was beautiful.

Warm tears cascaded down my face as I rocked my daughter lightly, lovingly. I was now a mother two children would call me mom.

The longing to see my other child had started to become painstakingly harder to bear and I opened my mouth to question the nurse if she had known where Sebastian and my friends had gone but as I opened my mouth to form the words the room door opened and four figures entered. Sebastian,Jucas and my doctor Mrs Grayson.

My heart started pounded loudly the sound almost making me hard of hearing. Call it a mothers intuition if you may but i knew something was not right.

The first thing I noticed before I even saw the purple bundled sack in Sebastian's hands were the looks on the men's faces.

Sebastian's usually groomed hair even before I fell asleep was now tousled, bedraggled as if he had run his hands through it countless times in desperation,his eyes red and swollen as if he had cried for hours, his lips were dry and cracked, his face had an expression I had never seen before,it was mixed with several types of emotions including fear,disbelief and rage,the other men's face held similar expressions and Lucas' eyes were filled with tears.

My eyes too gathered the warm salty liquid and my hands shook badly as they approached my bedside.

I knew something had gone wrong but what was it? Why had they returned without my child? It surely could be in that lifeless bundle Sebastian held,cradled to his chest. Why the hell would none of them not even Sebastian meet my eyes?

"Sebastian where is my child?" I pointed at him as the water started to leak from my eyes, only realising now, john had taken the baby from my hands.

"Sebastian where the fuck is my baby?" I repeated, avoiding to look at the sack on his chest. Jucas looked on helplessly as Sebastian for the first time struggled to form coherent words.

"Sebastian answer me" I screamed, as the doctor nodded to the silent nurse to take the baby away from all the noise and confusion before it woke the baby. I wanted to scream at her not to touch my baby but I knew it would be best if she took her for a while from all of the noise.

I climbed out of the bed notbeven wincing St the soreness between my legs or my aching back.

"Are you mother fuckers deaf? Where the fuck is my child?"

"Mrs Monteiro " Grayson said calmly which angered me even further.

How dare she try to speak to me yet no one would answer me when I asked about my child.


"Mrs Monteiro -"she started again and I clenched my fists at my sides. I needed to hear about my child.

"I told you I would tell her damn it." Sebastian interrupted her,.shouting,his voice cracking and he kicked the wall.

My heart sank to the soles of my feet as he spoke and I started to sob loudly. Something was wrong with my child.

"Tell me please"I fisted his shirt begging. He used the back of his hands to wipe my face.

"Baby I'm sorry" his voice weak,hoarse.

What was he saying. My child was not ok?

"No. My baby is ok." I cried and grabbed the bundle from his hands. It had been exactly what it seemed,a lifeless bundle,just blankets wrapped together, the scent of my new born baby still fresh.

"Baby,the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, almost strangling her. She could hardly breathe. The doctors did all they could baby but she couldn't make it. She was too weak. I'm sorry Britondii"

After he said the words he didn't say,the room started spinning then everything became black.

I'm sorry. But some things(in life) are inevitable. No matter who we are, how rich or powerful  we are, misfortune happens.

I am sorry.

I love you.

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I love you

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