chapter 39

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

I wiped furiously away at the tears that was beginning to escape from my eyes as I packed the small bag of clothes.

"Stop crying!" I yelled at my self but like every time I willed the tears away they continued to flow.

'Sebastian isn't worth it' I tried to convince myself.

Since the last month and a half, I sobbed every day nights mostly when the loneliness was almost unbearable. I had even become anti social. I had stopped visiting my friends and ignored calls and messages. When they asked if everything was ok at 'home'. I told them all was well I just needed some time alone. They were not convinced but respected my decision and gave me space. I appreciated it. I appreciated them.

I checked the time on my phone again forbthe millionth time that night. 1:40am and Sebastian had still not come home. He didn't even call to let me know he was safe. I hated my self for caring when obviously he didn't. I should have gotten used to it by now though but I hadn't since he returned to work almost 2 months ago, it had been like this. He was hardly ever home and the few weekends he was,he spent hibernating in his office. He was always apologizing.

'Im sorry,I'm sorry. I am buried in work baby. It will get better soon'

But almost 2 months after, it wasnt better,in fact it had gotten worse. I woke up alone every morning. I ate dinner by myself every evening and I went to bed without him every night. It was as if I lived by my damn self. I couldn't not bear the loneliness anymore, it was starting to suffocate me.

I zipped my bag shut and threw it into the couch.

Sebastian had to make up his mind tonight. Me or his damn work. I thought with finality which only made the tears fall harder. It wasn't supposed to be this way.

I used the hem of my shirt to dry my weeping eyes as I walked to the bathroom but the warm salty liquid continued to flow. I turned on the water and splashed some all over my tear stained face and dried it. I stared at my reflection in the mirror by now used to the awful image. My eyes were red and swollen because of how much I had cried and had bags beneath them because of how little I had slept. The blue orbs looked weak and lifeless and the skin of my face had lost all it's color and looked deathly pale. Sebastian didn't even know what his absence from home was doing to our relationship... doing to me. I felt he didn't even care. I closed my eyes softly and allowed the traitorous tears to seep out.

"Im sorry pretty baby. Stop crying"a low deep voice said and kissed the side of my face. I opened my eyes as strong arms around me. God. I missed those arms around me. I missed his touch but I tried not to bask in his embrace as it was only temporary. Tomorrow I would wake up alone.

"Sebastian please" I choked out. I didn't call him Brandon anymore. Hw was only Sebastian now. Brandon had disappeared weeks ago and I wanted him back.

"Baby I'm sorry. I promise-"he apologised and started to make a promise we both know he would keep.

"Stop fucking apologising. I am so tired of your empty promises Sebastian" I screamed like a mad woman cutting him off.

"Miss Luca" he released my waist.

I wasn't finished though. "Keep it! You could have at least called you know. You could have fucking called Sebastian. Do you know that I'm unable to sleep at nights because you are not here? Do you know how worried and lonely I am? No of course not because all you care about is your damn job. Two months Sebastian. Its-"

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