chapter 49

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Thank you CakelynnCakeTV for the cover ❤❤

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Sebastian Monteiro pov

"Miss Luca" I attempted weakly at another feeble shout when I heard the footsteps leading farther away from the room where I was.

Though I knew such attempts would have been futile in my heavy stage of drunkenness, I tried to rise from the floor but failed miserably falling heavily on the hard tiled floor. Still I tried a second time. I could not afford to fail. Getting to miss Luca was essential.

I had needed to tell her that I did not really blame her for our child's death. I just needed someone to take the responsibility for my pain. On whom I could vent my anger and ignore the maddening sorrow eating away at my heart. The pain had been unbearable, it killed me slowly,torturing me.

Miss Luca had made it so damn easy for me to target her. She was just there. Broken. Traumatized. Vulnerable. She had blamed her self. And I like the ugly, vicious beast I was took advantage of her weakness and attacked her. My anger had not lessened the pain but still it had felt so fucking good to cause someone even more hurt then I felt.

Failing to rise yet another time, I tried again but my drunkenness would not allow me enough strength hence I fell over,hitting my back on the floor even harder this time.

"God please no" I whispered,my voice raw, hoarse.

Once more, I tried to stand up but a sudden strong wave of nausea hit me, knocking me over.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath. I needed to get to miss Luca but obviously it wouldn't be tonight. And that caused my barely holding heart to shatter to tiny pieces.

Using all the strength I could muster in my state of intoxication, which was very little I slowly stretched over to the direction miss Luca had thrown the ring. Feeling for it,I growled in frustration at how insanely tedious the simple task had become.

"Jesus" I exhaled in relief when my fingers located and closed around the hard metal.

I brought the ring to my lips and kissed it.

"Baby I'm sorry " I said,my voice low and slurred, speaking to the circle of promise.

I gasped sharply,feeling as if a spear was being plunged into my heart when the words miss Luca had spoken repeated them selves in my head , deriding me. I slammed my head hard onto the floor, attempting to rid the words I never thought I would hear from miss Luca from my head.

Goodbye Monteiro.

How did we end up back here?

My head began to throb so hard,I had started to become dizzy. How could I live without miss Luca? Sebriina? I couldn't. They were my life.

Then you need to get help.


"Jesus Christ" I awoke with a start, running a sweaty rough palm over my face. I began to openel my eyes but shut them quickly as the sudden brightness of the room caused them to ache in protest causing my throbbing headache to increase ten folds.

I succeeded in pushing myself from the couch and sat into the soft couch.

The children's room reeked with the stench of strong liquor and body sweat. Mary had asked to clean it but I told her no. No one was allowed to enter my children's room.

I had grown used to the smell,over the past few days all I had done was sit into this room staring at all the things we had brought for our children.

I drank because I wanted to be free of all my feelings. The unbearable sadness I felt when I watched my little warrior fight for her life but lost the battle and I couldn't do a damn thing to help her. I had never felt so worthless,so less of a man. The burning pain I felt everytime I saw the sorrow and lifelessness in miss Luca's eyes. The hatred I felt for my self every time I blamed and cursed her for an act no one had control over.

Although I had in taken liquor until I was numb free of all body and mind sensitivity, as soon as all the intoxication the pain returned with a vengeance. So I allowed my self to never be fully sober.

I looked at the ring in my hand. Miss Luca, I am willing to do anything to get my family back.

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