chapter 34

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Dedicated to @TheRealAria and @cryselsinanan33

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

I walked into Sebastian's room and I noticed his eyes were closed and his breathing even. I grinned wickedly to myself and smirked then tiptoed to his bedside. I did not want to wake him.... yet. Ha. Hopefully this morning I would succeed. For the past 2 weeks I had been trying effortlessly to nibble his ear and wake him from his sleep. Was that evil? Wanting to bite a 'helpless' mans ear? Maybe not. Sebastian might had been injured but he was by no means helpless. Even as a patient in an hospital he was still powerful. But still.

I grinned as my mouth descended on his right ear but just as my mouth had almost connected to it I felt arms circling my waist and my target's mouth on mine.

"Good morning miss Luca. Failing another morning to nibble my ear I see? Hmmm is that your fetish? Nibbling an injured man's ear?" He chuckled. His voice thick and deep. Why was his voice so sexy? I groaned internally.

"Sebastian." I giggled in his mouth the word sounding muffled because I literally spoke into his mouth. Because his was covering mine.

How did he do that? I asked myself. How did he he always know when I was about to bite his ear when his eyes were always closed. Maybe because he isn't actually sleeping when I try to? Yea. That sounded like a good enough reason. Or maybe women did that to him a lot Hmmm? My subconscious put her two cents in. I frowned and pulled my face away from Sebastian's. I knew of Sebastian's reputation. Hell the world knew of his reputation as a Playboy. Then why did it hurt so much to even think of him with other women? Even if it was in his past. Because I loved him and he said he loved me. Why wasn't that some kind of consolation?

It had been 2 weeks since the morning he had called me babe. Two weeks We started saying 'I love you ' to each other everyday when I had visited. Two weeks since it felt like i had been visiting a boyfriend instead of an unrequited lover.

Sebastian had been doing so much better. His voice had gotten stronger almost at his normal tone. And his face was back to its natural color. Maybe in a week or so he could go home. Then what would happen to us then. After he went home? In a way I wasn't ready for him to leave yet because I didn't know what would become of Sebastian and I. Did that make me selfish? I thought it made me human.

The rude nurse whose name Sebastian told me was Nurse Green was no longer working at the hospital because of 'incompetence' or so they said. But I knew her dismissal was because of Sebastian's doing. It couldn't be mere coincidence that she was dismissed the day after she nicely told me to get the fuck out of Sebastian's room. In a way I guess she really was incompetent.

Sebastian's nurse was now now an older nurse whose name was Joanne. A 60 year old woman who lived with her husband Bill, their son and his wife and their toddler daughter. She was 3 years old and as 'cute as a button'. They also had two cats. Jim and Jimmy. She always told us about the antics of her grandchild. Yup. That was Elaine for you. Quite the talker but she was an excellent nurse.

"Miss Luca ." My name sounded as a question on Sebastian's lips. I looked at him, realizing I had blanked out.

"Where were you?" He asked an raised an eye brow.

"I was in a world of Sebastian Monteiros. "I responded nuzzling my nose on his. I swear I loved this man so. In 2 weeks we had gone from zero to ten and I had no regrets.

"Were they hotter than me? " his face was now contorted feigning heavy concentration.

"No. They looked exactly like you. And you are the hottest man in the world Mr Sebastian Brandon Monteiro. "I teased blushing cherry red at my response. Even though we had been saying things like that for a while I still blushed hand got shy when I said things like that to him or him to be. Did that make a virgin stereotype? Maybe. But still.

"Hmmm" he hummed thoughtfully. "That would explain the drool" he wiped the invisible drool from the corners of my mouth with his thumb.

"I hate you Sebastian" I pouted.

"I love you too wifey" he replied and kissed me.

I swore to God I couldn't even concentrate on the kiss. My mind was going into overdrive. Wifey. He called me Wifey. I wanted to squeal even though I couldn't. I wouldn't embarrassed my self before Sebastian.

Even though we had been doing what a normal couple would for the past weeks we had not defined or 'relationship. Was it a relationship though? He hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend nor had he called me such. Did that mean we were friends with benefits?

He had called me names like babe hun baby but never Wifey. Wifey meant girlfriend so did that mean I was his girlfriend? Oh God. Was this what insanity felt like? Asking yourself questions you had no answers to repeatedly? Wifey.

"Stop over thinking and kiss me miss Luca " Sebastian interrupted my thoughts with his low growl.

I submitted to his command and did just that.


"Britondii" Sebastian called my name after we had settled down after the nurse had come in and did his vitals and he hot his medication for the pain..I was sitting down on the couch playing TempleRunOz on my phone.
"Yes Sebastian?" I answered closing my phone.

"Come here"

"What is going to happen after I leave this place? Will you go back o your apartment? To your job?" How many times had I asked my self that question? What would happen after he left the hospital? I knew I wouldn't go back to work as I had given up my job because I had given up my job at the restaurant. Because I wanted to see him at the hospital everyday. Be with him as he recovered. Be with him so he would not over drink again. But I had not told him that. I had not wanted to come off as clingy. So I answered instead. "I don't know maybe go back to my apartment." It had hurt to say that because that wasn't what I had wanted to say.

"But what if i asked you to come and stay with me at my apartment? What would you say?" He was now hugging my waist.

I did not need to think about it so I didn't I had already known what my answer would be so I answered.

"I would say yes."

"Then Miss Britondii Luca when I get discharged from this prison." I smiled when he said prison. "Will you stay in my house as my official girlfriend?"

There you have it guys. Chapter 34. Let me know your thoughts.

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Love you


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