chapter 43

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Sebastian Monteiro pov

"Boy stop staring at me so,creep"miss Luca laughed, the sound soft and sweet,slapping my shoulder,her petite hands stinging the bare flesh. She exited the TempleRun game she played so loyally,she really was a die hearted fan, and placed the phone on the bed space next to her. I eyed the device hard,distastefully, I strongly detested the cheap thing but she refused to do away with it. Whenever I asked begged rather her to get rid of it please her usual response would be

"Am I not able to send and receive calls and messages efficiently? And is it not compatible with my favourite game? Yes. So obviously I do not need a phone right?"

I would then chuckle to myself and wonder what the fuck I had done in my past life cause it sure wasn't this one so good that I had deserved a woman so simple yet so fucking beautiful at the same time. Had I really been afraid of loving her? Had I really thought she was like my mother, that she would do to me what she did to my father? God. I was am a fool.

Miss Luca caught my hateful stare and rolled her eyes playfully, hitting my skin again,harder this time. Jesus. This pregnant woman was abusive.

"Baby your mommy is abusing me. I can't wait until you are here so we can both tickle her until she begs for mercy." I spoke to her stomach. I always did that. Everyday actually, I would talk to our child.

"Boy don't you dare turn my child against me, you evil devil. You deserve the slaps. Please let my phone be. Don't destroy it with your fatal glares. It is not troubling you." She giggled and I laughed.

"Oh but it is Miss Luca," I teased her while rubbing her stomach affectionately, but also protectively. The bump had not yet formed but I was so damn excited already. God was it right for one man to be so happy? "Until you are free of that hideous piece of plastic, it will be troubling me."

"Boy"she said hitting me a third time, I knew the words that would come after so I said them with her.

"Am I not able to send and receive calls and messages efficiently? And is not compatible with my favourite game? Leave my phone alone."

Told you! We both ended up laughing afterwards.


"Baby" I whispered in miss Luca's ears,running my tongue across it. We were currently laying in bed together,cuddling.

"Yea babe"

"I love you and this child so damn much baby. " my voice was laced with emotion,as I kissed the side of her head. I swear to God it was as if I was the one with all the raging hormones. I was so damn emotional all the time. Hell, even Rafael had noticed it. He had even asked me when was my due date?

Miss Luca had only been a month pregnant but I had already formed a bond with my child embryo. Involuntary tears had fallen from my eyes when we had gone to the doctor to confirm her pregnancy and we had seen the ultrasound. The baby was only a small spot now but it had felt somewhat surreal. The woman I loved,my fiance, was pregnant with my child.

After we got engaged, I had kept my word appointed a CEO, an older employee, Timmy Turner. The name was fucked up because there was a kids cartoon with the same name but he was an efficient employee,been with me since my company started and was literally the best man for the job.

Since Miss Luca's pregnancy, the only time I worked or even showed my face at my company was only when my presence was essential,that is at major meetings. Timmy handled everything else.

"We love you too baby" miss Luca said using her thumb to brush away the tears that started to escape my eyes.


"Baby you are so beautiful" I complimented my fiance, eyeing her body up and down and back up, as she stood before the mirror applying lip balm to her lips. She was a goddess and she was mine.

"Thank you. I just hope you still think that three months from now when I am the size of a whale. "She said softly almost sadly.

Instantly I was by her side. I had never heard he speak like that before. Was that what she thought? I would find her unattractive when our child starts growing inside of her belly.

"Baby "I said and kissed her lips then knelt before her. "I love you and our child so much" I lifted her blouse and planted kisses on her belly. "Baby nothing will be more beautiful than when you are closer to the birth of our child. You will be even more irresistible then.

"I love you so badly baby." I stood up and held her into my arms whispering to her promises I would be damned if I didn't keep.

"Baby don't cry" the sound of my voice soft,soothing as her hot tears seeped onto my bare skin.

"Im just so scared. I don't want you to leave me or become disgusted when I'm much too huge to fit in the bed." She whispered her voice breaking.

I felt my hear clench tightly as she spoke and I was almost angry at her words. If I ever had to live a life without miss Luca or our child I would die. Did she still not comprehend that? She was my life. How could I ever find her anything less than breathtaking as she got bigger with our child?

"Shhh don't talk like that baby. That will never happen. Don't you know you and this child are my life?"

"Yea. I am just so scared" she whispered and kissed me,wrapping her arms around my neck.


When miss Luca got up from the bed to use the bathroom, I noticed the bright spot on the back of her shorts. "Jesus Christ miss Luca "I shouted my heart thumping madly as I shot out of the bed and rushed to her. "You are bleeding!"

Awwwwwwwwwwww.....this chapter was so....*dabs eyes* cute....

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