chapter 11 revised

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Sebastian Monteiro pov

I downed the shot of liquor and leaned back into the cushioned leather chair, releasing a contented "fuck" as my throat burned in protest against the blazing liquid.

I felt the twitch in my tight pants as I recollected how fucking sexy miss Luca had looked in my club last night. Unseen by her, I had eyed her hungrily. I wouldn't have ever imagined in my wildest dream that she would be the type to party  but as they said looks could be deceiving.

But who was the boy she was with?

God knows I had wanted to tear his fucking throat out when he touched Miss Luca but why?

Was she that loose that she had gone out to party with a man when she had work in the morning?

"Jesus" I hissed.

Why had it bothered me so? She was not my damn type. Now it had been proven that she had bewitched me.

A single knock sounded on the door and then it was pushed open, revealing Miss Luca.

God knows I had unanticipatedly felt giddy headed.

My body felt too hot-- scorching.

And my dick had begun to throb against the material of my boxers.

"Miss Luca " I choked as if the words had being pried forcefully from my throat.

I eyed her hungrily. She was barely dressed  in a short tight dress inches above the knees and the bust low,exposing the immaculate top of the breasts I had imagined more than once running my tongue over. she also donned very high heels. God knows how I hadn't died that same second from a sudden heart attack.

Mentally, I commanded my hard cock to go down so I could think rationally--with the correct .

I needed to speak something, anything.

"Good morning sir"miss Luca taunted, smirking, her voice a sing song, syrupy-- so fucking sweet,I could taste it. "Your coffee is getting cold and we know how Monty hates when his coffee isn't perfect. "

Who was this woman? This wicked temptress? Where had she come from?

I closed my eyes then reopened them.

Was I dreaming?


I cleared my throat before saying something. "Miss Luca"

At least my voice hadn't sounded as fucked up as before. Still, I was certain my green eyes were now dark with lust.

God knows I wanted to bend her over my desk and fuck her until she could remember nothing but my name, nothing but the feel of my cock inside her.

But you don't fuck your employees. Correct?

"I brought your coffee sir. And I made it just how you like it. Drink it now before it becomes cold and insipid Monty. "She leaned forward and devilishly set the coffee on my desk, the tops of her breasts in my face-- on its own accord my body shivered.

She bit down onto her lip and only God knows how I hadn't cum in my pants then.

The way she carried on was as if she wanted me to throw her onto the wall and take her until she couldn't move a single limb. God know I was this close.

Miss Luca was tempting me.

"Oh sir " she purred using her petite finger to wipe the corners of my mouth. "You have some drool here. " her firm breasts, now almost on my lips.

God-- I was losing my head--both of them.

Then she walked out, leaving me greatly aroused.


I was half way through signing some documents when there was a couple of fast raps onto the door.

"Come in" I called continuing my work.

In entered Miss Luca and I looked down onto the papers. Avoiding to look at her face or body.

In a tone very professional and nothing like the one she had used earlier she spoke. "Mr Monteiro, the meeting with the Gray Media Enterprise commences in fifteen minutes.

I nodded and she left.

I had almost forgotten about the meeting. Grays was a failing company that I was looking to purchase. It had been withering away but was worth more than I had offered.


I arrived in the conference rooms a few minutes after the time scheduled . Immediately, the light chatter ceased and all present rose in respect.

"You may be seated. " I spoke and sat in the black leather chair at the head of the long table. Next to me was miss Luca.

I was aware of the men undressing her with their eyes.

I was God damn furious,irate.

"I do not have the damn patience to watch you fuck my assistant. I have an empire to run unlike your failing company." I growled,my teeth gritted.

The meeting had started and I ceased to speak when I observed the old,thinning grey haired CEO Gray, winking at miss Luca who had not looked flattered rather she appeared disgusted.

Infuriated, I rose from the chair and roared. "This damn drama is done. Get the fuck out of my building."

Emitting apologies, they left the room hastily and I remained inside the conference room with miss Luca. Clenching my teeth as I watched her clear the table.

I stepped closer to her. "Miss Luca " my voice was low, attempting to control my brewing animosity.

"Yes sir? " she replied, her back turned to me, continuing her work.

Outraged by her attitude, I slapped the tray of glasses from her hand, they shattered noisily onto the hard tiled floor.

She turned to my face, clear anger present in her face and eyes. "What is-"

Cutting her off, I shouted "why the fuck are you dressed like a slut? Did you see how those men looked at you? " I grabbed on to her wrist.

"Let me go you damn animal" she screamed equally as passionate about her anger as I. "The red head was dressed the same yesterday and you fucking well had no issue right? You liked it so much you had your tongue down her throat! So what if I look like a slut today? What is it to you,sir? "

"Damn it Miss Luca! " I thundered"who the hell do you think you are addressing as such? Get the fuck out of my building. You are fired! Leave! "

"I hate you Sebastian. I hate you so much. " she hissed throwing the tablet at my chest and left the room. "

Shxt got real!!!!

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Tempting The Billionaire Book1✔(Slowly Revising)Where stories live. Discover now