chapter 10 revised

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Photo of John.

Britondii Luca pov

The remainder of the day passed in a blur. Literally. I had cried so much, my vision was blurry for the most part.

From the backseat of the taxi cab, I leaned my head backwards, resting it on the slightly worn cushioned headrest. I bit my lip hard, closing my eyes tightly when the vicious throbbing in my increased its pace.

The image of Sebastian kissing the woman, replayed itself in my minds eyes like a scratched disk, taunting me,beseeching tears.

My eyes welled with tears as I recalled how Sebastian had barged into my office shortly after, anger contorting his handsome facial features, yelling.

"You should have knocked Miss Luca! What the fuck is wrong with? "

Humorlessly, I chuckled biting my lip. I I were him, I would have shouted at me also. After all, I did cockblock him.

Why had I entered his office before knocking?

I bit my lip harder. Why did whatever he had done with the woman hurt me so? He was my boss, nothing more, nothing less.

Other than the man you have fallen for. My subconscious sobbed, dabbing at her eyes.


I entered my best friend's room and for once he hadn't his headphones over his head--"he must have smelled the rat"Instead, he had his iPhone to his ear, speaking with Bro.

He noticed I had entered his room.

"Baby Brii is here. I'll talk to you later. I love you my extra sugary cottony cotton candy. " John replied something and Lucas laughed then said, "he says hi Brii. "

"Hey Bro. Love you. " I forced a cheerful shout, my voice still hoarse from all the bawling I had carried on with.

Lucas looked at me, his face showing concern. No doubt realizing how unusually raspy and fake my voice was.

"Baby I have to really go now. I love you so much my vanilla flavored ice cream ."

He ended the call, climbed out of the bed and sat down onto the couch next to me.

"Baby why have you been crying? He asked his voice soft and soothing. "Tell me, what's wrong." He kissed my cheek.

"Lue, do you think I'm ugly? " I asked leaning onto his chest. Did Sebastian view me as a hideous, repulsive creature? Was that why he disliked me so?

"Oh Brii, " replied my best friend, kissing my head. "Brii, you are more beautiful than the fairest flower. How many times do I have to remind you babe? "

"Yea but am I too plain? " I prodded. He said I was beautiful but what exactly did that mean?

"Brii, " Lucas sighed, wrapping his arms tighter around me. "How is it that you are unable to see just how gorgeous and breathtaking you are? "

I smiled despite myself.

What was it that I had done that I deserved a friend like Lucas? One who loved me even as I didn't love myself? Like now.

I ran my finger over his manicured finger nail. "Then why does Sebastian hate me so much? " my voice was hardly above a whisper but my friend heard it.

"Brii take it from me. That man does not hate you babe. In fact I strongly believe he is madly in love with you.

I sighed softly. Oh Lucas. If only you knew.

Sitting up in the couch I turned to him Lue and blurted, " I saw him kissing a woman in his office today. "

"Oh Brii" his voice was laced with sympathy and he embraced me again . Though I never exactly told him I had feelings for my boss he just knew. Even before I did.

Listening to Lucas verbally slaughtering my boss, like a scene from a cartoon show, a bright light bulb flashed before my eyes.

"Lue, let's go shopping. "

"Yasss" the fashionista jumped up squealing. "Oh yes bitch. Let's. When I'm through changing your wardrobe. Tomorrow when you show up at work Sebastian will be casted into Michael Jackson mode cause he is going to to be speechless when he sees you. "

After a few hours of shopping, purchasing only a few items of clothing to begin with and only two pairs of heels we returned home at nightfall.

The shrill ringing of my phone sounded shortly after I were seated onto the bed admiring all of the clothes we had purchased. It was not my usual choice but I needed to let Sebastian know I could be more than his plain, uninteresting personal assistant. I could be tempting too.

"Hey Tray" I answered the call. We had gone out over the weekend and I had taken pleasure in his company. He really had changed from the boy he was in college,to a very fetching man. But something was missing-- he was not Sebastian.

"Hey gorgeous, how are you? " I blushed softly at his words. I was not used to been complimented by anyone other than my friends and though Travane did such whenever we spoke, it was still new.

"I'm good. You?

"Same. I was wondering if you would like to go to a party at Hell's Heat with me tonight. I would have asked sooner but I only found out about it a short while ago. I'm sorry. I don't know if -"

"Tray" I chuckled intercalating him. He sounded so uncertain. "I would love to go with you. "

I was not really the party kind of person. In fact, I did not party at all. But we only have one life to live right?

That's why you are using him to forget about Sebastian. My subconscious patronized crossing her arms.

"Great" Travane replied and I could pick up the smile in his voice. "I will pick you up in an hour"


"OMGOG! Brii you are slaying the fuck out of them clothes babe. "Lucas complimented, squealing.

I looked at my self in the mirror. I could hardly recognize my self. I smiled at my reflection. "Thanks Lue. "

When Travane came to pick me up, his face and voice was in awe. "You look -em- hot"

I blushed but replied confidently.

"Thank you Tray. You look hot too. " and entered the front passenger seat of his Volks Wagon as he held the door open for me.

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