1 - Job Searching

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Today was the day! The day you finally look for another job, even if it would reduce the amount of free time you had, you were willing to sacrifice some time for more well-earned money; you were just itching to buy something for yourself other than food. Even though you partly worked for your parents in taking photographs for their magazines, they didn't give you anything extra and weren't at all lenient on several hiccups you've made. Their love for you can only go so far - something that you couldn't decided was good or bad. 

Anyway, at the cafe you worked at, you were the only girl baking in the kitchen and so you were mostly surrounded by guys. They had grown to be like big brothers to you and you appreciated the fact that they were always looking out for your well-being. It was sweet and you felt protected around them. They were, of course, quite big men and could intimidate anyone, not that they had to be on high alert at all hours of the day, since you were weren't trying to attract anyone at all. Instead, during the winter and autumn or when it was really dark, one of them would take you home so that you're safe. 

There was an incident where you were almost mugged but you were able to run off as quickly as you could and report the event to the police, the man was later on, captured during the week as he had been careless and allowed you to see his face. You were still in slight anguish over the escapade and had asked the men at your workplace to take you home during late hours. They obliged after sympathising for you over your story. After half a year, you had finally gotten over it but your co-workers haven't and it's been a regular thing to have them walk you home from late shifts at work nowadays. 

Just because you were comfortable and relatively familiar with the other bakers and chefs, didn't mean that you didn't get along with the waitresses that ran the front of the cafe. In fact, you were really good friends with all of them. They found it cute at how shy you were and always cooed over you, much like how the male bakers and chefs were your non-blood-related brothers - the waitresses were your non-blood-related sisters. You often hung around them during breaks and chatted about casual things. Turns out that most of them were still in university, aiming high for their future careers. You motivated them as much as you could as the work and pressure of studying visibly seemed to weigh down on them, some were starting to give up but you were there to get them back on their feet and set them down the right path again. They adored you to death and spoiled you like a little sister. They only thing you can do in return was continue being yourself and encourage them as best as you could. You're quite worried that it wouldn't be enough but they appear to be content with it, so you kept it up. 


It had been several hours and you were still looking for a suitable minor occupation that you could take up. The fact that you had gotten up early just to start out fresh and new but have no success even after several hours, really irritates you but you couldn't blame anyone, there was already a 50% chance that this would've happened. 

Out of the blue, a grumble and groan erupted from your impatient stomach, making you flush bright red as you hugged your torso, facing down as you apologised and speed walked away, doing your best to ignore people drilling holes into your back with their blank yet judging stares. 

All the searching had made you pretty hungry and it took the embarrassment of having your stomach rumble in public, to make you realise that. Sighing, you contemplated on where to go for a quick bite to eat. Not a restaurant, you were only up for some (tea/coffee/what ever you guys like) with a/some (cookies/ biscuits/muffin/donut/ or whatever you guys like). It was then when something hit you, it wasn't anything physical but it was a mental note. Several weeks ago, you had walked by a rather posh establishment for a cafe with a sign requesting for new workers. It had struck some interest in you but you hadn't thought about getting another job back then because you felt content with your already well paying two jobs. However, now you have an entirely opposing view to your previous. Hopefully the job hasn't been taken yet. 

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